Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Posts Tagged ‘bloodshed’

Cairo’s Deadliest Day: Official Death Toll Hits 525

Posted by feww on August 15, 2013

Massacre in Egypt: More than 3,000 dead, 5,000 wounded

Supporters of President Mohammed Morsi, who was ousted in a military coup six weeks ago, say about 3,000 demonstrators have been killed and at least 5,000 others wounded, according to news reports.

The latest carnage was the third and by far the bloodiest mass killings of pro Morsi demonstrators since the president was ousted.

The army-installed government has declared a 30-day state of emergency, imposing a dusk-to-dawn curfew on the capital and 10 other provinces.

Violent clashes between the security forces and Morsi supporters have also bloodied the cities of Alexandria, Assiut, Fayoum, Minya and Suez, as well as Beni Suef and Buhayra provinces, reports said.

Turkish Prime Minister RT Erdogan described the mass killings as a “very serious massacre,” said a report.

“I am calling on Western countries. You remained silent in Gaza, you remained silent in Syria … You are still silent on Egypt. So how come you talk about democracy, freedom, global values and human rights?” He said at a news conference.

In contrast, the UAE, one of the Gulf Arab states worried by Morsi’s victory in last year’s election, has fully supported the bloodshed, saying the Egyptian government had “exercised maximum self-control,” said a report.

On February 11, 2011, FIRE-EARTH said:

“Informed sources say influential members of Saudi Arabian royal family are inciting large scale violence in Egypt by promising to pay $1,000 for each demonstrator killed by the Egyptian security apparatus.”

In all likelihood, President Morsi would be killed “accidentally” while in detention, FIRE-EARTH blog advisers said.

On December 18, 2011, FIRE-EARTH commented:

  • At least a dozen demonstrators have been killed and about 500 others wounded by the Egyptian army following a third day of clashes in a new round of uprising as the winter of the so called “Arab Spring” deepens.
  • Increasingly, the Egyptians are realizing that what they actually participated in wasn’t a “revolution,” but a coup d’etat, cunningly orchestrated by the military and its paymasters and carried out on the back of a mass uprising.
  • Egypt is Israel’s next-door neighbor. Hell would freeze over before Egyptians are allowed to have a functioning democracy!

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