Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Posts Tagged ‘Japan government’

Evil Japan Govt Spending $40+ Billion on Arms, while 1 in 6 Kids in Poverty

Posted by feww on August 29, 2015

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One in six Japanese kids live below poverty line, amid rising defense budget: Report

Japan is one of the world’s most economically developed countries, but one in six Japanese children live in poverty—one of the worst rates in the industrialized world.

More than half a million single Japanese mothers live below the poverty line, earning less than $10,600 a year, while the defense budget for next year will likely hit an all-time high, exceeding 5 trillion yen ($40.2 billion) for the first time.

The cost of feeding all the poor kids in Japan would be about $1 billion per year, a tiny fraction of the country’s defense budget.

“Many working parents are paid wages that are so low, they can be categorized as working poor. The situation has become especially serious with parents who are in their 20s and 30s.” —Prof. Ryoichi Yamano, Chiba Meitoku College

“Last year, a 28-year-old mother and her 3-year-old child were found dead in a condo near Tokumaru’s previous workplace. They were presumed to have died 3 months earlier from starvation. A memo left by the mother apologized to the child for not being able to provide good food,” said a report.

In 2013, the mother had visited a local government office asking for welfare benefits, but she was turned down, according to the report.

The latest child poverty rate (2013) for children under 18 living in households earning ¥1.22 million, half of the median equivalent disposable income, was 16.3%, the highest ever recorded, said a report.

Japan’s relative poverty rate has been steadily increasing since mid-2000s. Today, it has climbed well above the OECD average.

Meanwhile, Japan has launched a new helicopter carrier, one of the country’s biggest warships since World War II.

Japan’s second largest naval vessel —the helicopter carrier “Kaga”—was launched at the Japan Marine United shipyard in Yokohama earlier this week.

The original vessel Kaga was an aircraft carrier of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN). It participated in the bombings of the ports of Shanghai and Nanjing in 1937, and later joined the naval group that attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941.

Kaga was sunk by the US navy in the Battle of Midway the following year, in June 1942.

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TEPCO Continues to Contaminate the World

Posted by feww on October 3, 2013

What would it take for the Asian countries most at risk from Fukushima nuclear disaster to team up and declare the Japaneses government ‘Legally Incompetent,’ on grounds of their inability to deal with an ongoing major nuclear disaster that would likely pose an existential threat to other nations in the region and beyond, and then appoint an international team of guardians and conservators to oversee the day-to-day running of the country?


Another tank leaking toxic water at Fukushima nuclear plant: Operator

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the operator of Japan’s nuked Fukushima nuclear power plant, said another tank holding highly radioactive coolant is leaking, and that some of the toxic liquid likely entered the Pacific Ocean.

The leaked fluid contained 200,000 becquerels per liter of beta-emitting radioactive isotopes including strontium 90, according to the company. The legal limit for strontium 90 is reportedly 30 becquerels per liter.

In August, at least 300 tons of highly toxic water escaped from one of the hastily built holding tanks. TEPCO has been pumping hundreds of tons of water a day to keep the reactors cool. The tanks are used to store the highly toxic wastewater.

On October 1,  TEPCO admitted it had found yet another leak at the plant, which caused 4 tons of radioactive water to enter the sea.

The criminally negligent government of Japan and TEPCO apparently won’t rest until the entire region, the country, the sea and all of its content, is contaminated with radiation.

This is now a matter of urgent global security, but the government in Japan has not taken any steps to address the worsening disaster.

Japan’s False Bravado

Hubris can only stem from ignorance, and it usually results in major downfalls and death. And no one could possibly know this better than the Japanese.

Yoshinoya Holdings, a Japanese fast-food chain, announced yesterday plans to grow rice and vegetables on a farm in Shirakawa, located less than 100 km (60 miles) from the nuked Fukushima power plant.

Up to quarter of a million people living nearest to Fukushima nuke plant were ordered to move out after the March 2011 mega earthquake and tsunami caused triple reactor meltdowns, contaminating the ground, water air and everything.

The government reluctantly established a 20-km compulsory evacuation zone and various voluntary evacuation zones have since been set us from site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

FIRE-EARTH experts have advised all of their colleagues and friends who live anywhere in Japan to obtain a Geiger counter and to NOT leave home without it.

What would it take for the Asian countries most at risk from Fukushima nuclear disaster to team up and declare the Japaneses government ‘Legally Incompetent,’ on grounds of their inability to deal with an ongoing major nuclear disaster that would likely pose an existential threat to other nations in the region and beyond, and then appoint an international team of guardians and conservators to oversee the day-to-day running of the country?


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