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Posts Tagged ‘Pearl River Estuary’

USAGI Poses a Severe Threat to Hong Kong: The HK Observatory

Posted by feww on September 22, 2013

Typhoon USAGI expected to slam Hong Kong by early Monday

The strongest storm to brew in the Western Pacific this year, is forecast  to pummel Asia’s financial center by early Monday.

The Hong Kong observatory has issued a Strong Wind Signal No. 3 and was expected to raise the warning level higher later on Sunday.

Typhoon USAGI poses a severe threat to the city, the HK observatory said.

USAGI chased by PABUK
Typhoon USAGI chased by Tropical Cyclone PABUK. MTSAT IR Satellite Image. Image recorded at 04:30UTC on September 22, 2013. Source: CIMSS/SSEC/WISC. FIRE-EARTH Enhancement.

The following is text of HK Observatory’s latest Warming issued at 12:45HKT on 22.09.2013.

Tropical Cyclone Bulletin – Hong Kong Observatory

The Strong Wind Signal No. 3 is in force. This means that winds with mean speeds of 41 to 62 km per hour are expected.

At 1 p.m., Severe Typhoon Usagi was estimated to be about 300 kilometers [km] east of Hong Kong (near 22.1 degrees north, 117.1 degrees east) and is forecast to move WNW at about 20 km per hour across the northeastern part of the South China Sea and towards the vicinity of the Pearl River Estuary. [Hong Kong Observatory at 12:45HKT on 22.09.2013]

According to the present forecast track, there is a high chance Usagi would make landfall to the east of Hong Kong and will be closest to the territory around tonight and early tomorrow morning. Winds are now generally from the north and most parts of the territory are sheltered. However as Usagi gradually edges closer to Hong Kong, local winds will strengthen gradually. The Observatory will consider issuing the Gale or Storm Signal, No. 8 this afternoon to this evening.

The outer rainbands of Usagi are now affecting the vicinity of Pearl River Estuary. Local weather is deteriorating gradually. There will be heavy squally showers and rough seas.

If Usagi’s speed of movement matches with the time of the astronomical high tide, storm surge induced by Usagi may still lead to flooding in low-lying areas overnight. The public should be on the alert, and take precautions against strong winds and flooding as early as possible.

In the past hour, the maximum sustained winds recorded at Tate’s Cairn were 48 km per hour.

Typhoon alert forces schools to close in southeast China

Meantime, China’s National Meteorological Center issued its highest alert, and local authorities in Xiamen City on the eastern coast of Fujian Province called off classes, suspended shipping transport between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, and evacuated at least 100,000 people.

“On Sunday, major Chinese airlines canceled flights to cities in south China’s Guangdong, Fujian provinces as well as Hong Kong and Macao, citing that local airports could be battered by heavy rains and strong gales starting Sunday noon,” said a report.


Authorities in Taiwan evacuated thousands of people from 36 townships in seven counties on Saturday, said a report.

Forecasters said “severe torrential rain” would continue today in the eastern and southern areas, while the north could experience torrential rains.

Usagi waves Taitung-Taiwan-CNA
Waves break over the breakwater in Taitung, Taiwan as Typhoon USAGI moves through the Luzon Strait, Saturday Sept. 21, 2013. Photo credit CNA/ via Taipei Times.

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