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Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!


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52 Responses to “Volcanoes”

  1. PAL said

    PAL – 060802

    M 5.2 Volcanic Eruption
    19.405°N, 155.281°W [5km WSW of Volcano, Hawaii]
    1.0 km depth
    2018-06-08 12:44:34 UTC

    This earthquake was associated with an ash explosion that occurred around 02:44 AM Friday, June 8th local time from Halema’uma’u crater. A modest plume may have been generated and drifted southwest with possible ashfall at downwind locations. [USGS]

  2. MMD said

    MMD – 060502

    M 5.5 Volcanic Eruption –
    6km WSW of Volcano, Hawaii
    19.404°N 155.294°W 1.5 km depth
    2018-06-05 14:32:27 UTC

    This earthquake was associated with an ash explosion that occurred around 4:32 AM Tuesday, June 5th local time from Halema’uma’u crater. The plume extended to about 5,000 ft above sea level and drifted southwest
    with possible ashfall at downwind locations. [USGS]

  3. […] EW on Volcanoes […]

  4. EW said

    Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupts – most violent eruption in 4 decades.
    The eruption, second this year, killed at least 25 people,and left about 300 injured. “Volcano of Fire” ejected a thick column of smoke and ash more than 8-kilometer into the air.
    Most of the casualties were located in three towns: El Rodeo, Alotenango and San Miguel los Lotes.

  5. EW said

    EW- 060402

    Volcanic Eruption – 5km WSW of Volcano, Hawaii

    Magnitude: 5.5 mw
    Location: 19.405°N 155.284°W
    Depth: -1.1 km
    Time: 2018-06-04 01:50:48 (UTC)

  6. P.A. said

    PA – 052702

  7. P.A. said

    Steamboat Geyser, world’s tallest, erupts for the third time in six weeks at Yellowstone National Park

    For the third time in six weeks, the world’s tallest active geyser erupted Friday morning at Yellowstone National Park.

    A park visitor reported seeing the eruption of Steamboat Geyser, which geologists believe started around 6:30 a.m. based on comparisons of first-hand reports with seismic activity and the discharge of water.

    Recent eruptions at the geyser occurred March 15 and April 19. Seismic data indicates Friday’s eruption may have been around the same size as the one on April 19 but larger than the March incident.

    All of the recent recent occurrences were smaller than the last major eruption on Sept. 3, 2014, according to a Yellowstone National Park news release.

    Steamboat is located in a part of the park that’s snowed in much of the year. Roads into the area remain closed due to deep snow and ice on the boardwalks.

    Steamboat can eject steam up to heights of 130 meters. Old Faithful, which erupts about a dozen times daily, averages 40 meters in height.

  8. ROS T. said

    Mt Ioyama on Kyushu island in southwestern Japan erupted Thursday (3.39PM), spewing volcanic rocks around the crater.

    Japanese officials have raised the volcanic alert level to 3 (scale of 1 to 5), warning people to stay away from the mountain because of the danger of falling rocks and pyroclastic flows within a 2-km radius of the crater, NHK said.

    At least one person was killed according to local reports.

  9. EW said

    Volcanic Warnings [Japan MA]

    **********Explosive eruption has intensified at Shinmoedake. The volcano is ejecting smoke and ash up to 4,000 meters above the crater summit. Lava is visible deep inside the main crater, local news agencies have reported.**********

    Near-crater warning Level 3 (Do not approach the volcano) Kirishimayama (Shinmoedake) 16:40 JST, 01 March 2018

    Near-crater warning Level 3 (Do not approach the volcano) Kusatsu-Shiranesan 11:50 JST, 23 January 2018

    Near-crater warning Level 3 (Do not approach the volcano) Kuchinoerabujima 18:00 JST, 14 June 2016

    Near-crater warning Level 3 (Do not approach the volcano) Sakurajima 19:13 JST, 05 February 2016

    Near-crater warning Warning in non-residential areas near the crater Nishinoshima 16:25 JST, 20 April 2017

    Near-crater warning Level 2 (Do not approach the crater) Kirishimayama (Ebino Highland) 11:40 JST, 20 February 2018

    Near-crater warning Level 2 (Do not approach the crater) Kirishimayama (Ohachi) 14:40 JST, 09 February 2018

    Near-crater warning Level 2 (Do not approach the crater) Asamayama 15:30 JST, 11 June 2015

    Near-crater warning Level 2 (Do not approach the crater) Suwanosejima 10:06 JST, 01 December 2007

    Near-crater warning Warnings around the crater Ioto 10:01 JST, 01 December 2007

    Warning (sea area) Warnings for sea areas in the vicinity of a volcano Beyonesu Rocks 15:00 JST, 24 March 2017

    Warning (sea area) Warnings for sea areas in the vicinity of a volcano Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba 10:02 JST, 01 December 2007

    Forecast Level 1 (Potential for increased activity) Zaozan 14:00 JST, 06 March 2018

    [Source JMA]

  10. E.W. said

    Mt Kusatsu-Shirane Erupts

    Snow-covered Mt Kusatsu-Shirane erupted Tuesday morning (9:59am local time).

    The 2,160-meter high volcano spewed plumes of ash and staem, ejecting rocks and volcanic matter, triggering an avalanche and injuring at least two dozen, the local weather agency said.

    Authorities warned of potential falling rocks within a 2-km radius of the triple-crater raising the volcanic warning level from 1 to 3 (scale of 5), which bans visitors from entering the mountain area.

    The Kusatsu-Shirane is located in the town of Kusatsu, Gunma Prefecture.

    [Co-ords. 36.62°N 138.54°E ]

    FIRE-EARTH Volcano Alerts available via FIRE-EARTH Pulsars.


  11. P. A. said

    Albay Province declares state of calamity under threat of Mayon explosion

    PHIVOLCS raises Mayon Volcano alert to level 4 [Level 5 is the highest warning, which means dangerous explosion is in progress. ]

    The danger zone has been extended from a 6-km radius to 8 from the summit as pyroclastic flows may reach more areas, staff said.


    PHIVOLCS: MAYON VOLCANO BULLETIN 23 January 2018 8:00 A.M.

    At 12:43 PM yesterday, a dense, five-kilometer tall eruption column was generated by a short-lived phreatomagmatic eruption at Mayon Volcano that lasted eight (8) minutes based on the seismic record. The event generated pyroclastic density currents or PDCs on gullies and barrancos heading the Miisi, Bonga, Buyuan, Basud, San Andres, Buang, Anoling and other minor rivers within four (4) kilometers of the summit vent, well within the Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ). Volcanic ash was blown west and fell on the Municipalities of Guinobatan, Camalig, Oas, Polangui and Iriga City. This was followed by a minor degassing event at 5:51 PM that generated a short, 500 meter-high ash plume. Between 9:37 PM and 5:25 AM the following morning, five (5) episodes of intense but sporadic lava fountaining from the summit crater lasting three (3) to thirty (30) minutes occurred. The lava fountains reached 500 meters to 700 meters high and generated ash plumes that reached 2.5 kilometers to 3 kilometers above the crater. The events fed lava flows on the Miisi and Bonga Gullies, sprayed near-vent lava spatter and fed incandescent rockfall on the summit area.

    A total of two (2) explosion-type earthquakes corresponding to the vertical column eruptions, fifteen (18) tremor events, some corresponding to lava fountaining episodes, thirty five (35) rockfall events and (2) pyroclastic density currents or PDCs from lava collapse were recorded by Mayon’s seismic monitoring network. Rockfall events were generated by the collapsing lava front and margins of the advancing lava flow on the Miisi Gully and by shedding from the summit dome onto the Bonga Gully. Currently, the Miisi and Buyuan lava flows have advanced to three (3) kilometers and 200 meters, respectively, from the summit crater. Sulfur dioxide gas emission was measured at an average of 992 tonnes/day on 22 January 2018 prior to the phreatomagmatic event. Electronic tilt and continuous GPS measurements indicate a sustained swelling or inflation of the edifice since November and October 2017, consistent with pressurization by magmatic intrusion.

    PHIVOLCS has raised the alert level to Alert Level 4 yesterday in effect over Mayon Volcano. The public is strongly advised to be vigilant and desist from entering the eight (8) kilometer-radius danger zone, and to be additionally vigilant against pyroclastic density currents, lahars and sediment-laden streamflows along channels draining the edifice. Civil aviation authorities must also advise pilots to avoid flying close to the volcano’s summit as ash from any sudden eruption can be hazardous to aircraft. DOST-PHIVOLCS maintains close monitoring of Mayon Volcano and any new development will be communicated to all concerned stakeholders.

  12. P. A. said

    Evacuation zone around Bali’s Mt Agung has been widened to 10km amid imminent threat of a major eruption.

    BNPB raised the alert to “level four” at 22:00 UTC because of “the possibility and imminent risk of disaster.”

    A column of black smoke, gasses and ash is soaring to a height of at least 3.4 km above the crater.

    Lava is visible in the crater. A magmatic eruption could occur anytime.

  13. Ros T. said

    Red Warning as Mount Agung Erupts

    Mount Agung ejected a thick plume of smoke more than 1,500m above the crater, the second major eruption from the Bali volcano this week, disrupting flights.

    Indonesia’s Disaster Mitigation Agency said in a statement.

    A 7.5km exclusion zone around the volcano has been effected and residents ordered to immediately evacuate the danger area.


  14. EQR said

  15. FMR said

    Mantle Plume Almost as Hot as Yellowstone Supervolcano Melting Antarctica From Below

    Researchers have discovered a huge upwelling of hot rock under Marie Byrd Land, which lies between the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea, is creating vast lakes and rivers under the ice sheet. The presence of a huge mantle plume could explain why the region is so unstable today, and why it collapsed so quickly at the end of the last Ice Age, 11,000 years ago.

    91 volcanoes discovered under Antarctica’s ice

  16. Su said

    After a month of heightened activity, Nevados de Chillán volcano erupted, spewing a giant plume of ash reaching up to 3,600 meters into the air.
    Nevados de Chillán, located in the Andes, Bío Bío Region, Chile, and is one of the most active volcanoes in the region.

  17. P.I. said

    Wolf volcano on the Galapagos Islands erupted Monday spewing a large column of smoke and ash about 10km into the air
    “The eruption generated a very large column of smoke that rose more than 10km (six miles) into the air, and later drifted toward the south-west part of the volcano,” said the Ecuador’s Geophysics Institute.
    The volcano, located on Isabela Island, erupted for the first time in 33 years.

    “From 02:57 (local time Galapagos) Warning Center Volcanic Ash (VAAC), based on satellite information confirms the presence of an eruption column from Wolf Volcano, which rises to 35,000 feet and heads south-west; then at 04:34 it is reported of a column moving east-northeast at an altitude of 50,000 feet and another moving southward at a height of 45,000 feet (Fig. 2),” said Ecuador’s Geophysics Institute.

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  36. […] on the evidence, including enhanced seismic and volcanic activity, WE BELIEVE, the earth is trying to maintain planetary […]

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  47. eLICIA ALDAMA said


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