Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for September 11th, 2015

ISIL Terraforming Syria for Israeli Expansion

Posted by feww on September 11, 2015

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“Operation Inherent Resolve:” Decidedly Irresolute!

The Coalition of “unwilling” cannot be serious about stopping ISIL terror.

According to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD):

As of Sept. 8, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 6,700 airstrikes (4,198 Iraq / 2,502 Syria).

  • U.S. has conducted 5,239 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria (2,858 Iraq / 2,381 Syria)
  • Coalition has conducted 1,461 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria (1,340 Iraq /121 Syria)

The following countries have participated in the airstrikes:

  • In Iraq: (1) Australia, (2) Canada, (3) Denmark, (4) France, (5) Jordan, (6) The Netherlands, and (7) UK
  • In Syria: (1) Bahrain, (2) Canada, (3) Jordan, (4) Saudi Arabia, (5) Turkey* and (6) UAE

* [It’s unclear whether the Turks have actually bombed any ISIL targets, or instead targeted positions of their old enemy, the Kurdish militias—ironically the only successful local force fighting against the ISIL.]

As of September 8, U.S. and partner nations aircraft have flown an estimated 53,278 sorties in support of operations in Iraq and Syria, according to DoD.

Assuming that the Coalition have dropped an average of, say, 10 bombs in each airstrike, and each bomb has killed a modest average of, say, 4 terrorists, then the 6,700 airstrikes should have resulted in eliminating more than quarter of a million terrorists—268,000 to be exact!

Unfortunately, that is pure fiction and wishful thinking.

Cost of Operations

As of Aug. 15, 2015, the total cost of operations related to ISIL since kinetic operations started on Aug. 8, 2014, is $3.7 billion and the average daily cost is $9.9 million for 373 days of operations. A further breakdown of cost associated with the operations is here.

Syrians Refugees

The most troubling aspect of the war on Syria must be the obscene numbers of terrorized Syrian refugees, who are running for their lives, abandoning their homes and country.

Some 4,088,099 Syrians, including more than 2 million [typo corrected Sept.16, 2015 -editor] people aged 17 or younger, had fled their country as of September 6, 2015, according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). More than 7 million others are internally displaced.

[Some 3,182,736 Iraqis, or 530,456 families, originally from three provinces of Anbar (42%), Ninewa (32%),  and Salah al-Din (13%) have been internally displaced between January 2014 and August 27, 2015 due to ongoing atrocities committed by ISIL, said IOM.

1948 Palestinian Exodus

More than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs, or about 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants of what became Israel, were forced to flee or were expelled from their homes during the 1948 Palestine war [dubbed the Nakba, in Arabic “al-Nakbah”, meaning “disaster”, “catastrophe”, or “cataclysm”.]

The exodus was triggered by a combination of various factors including:

  • Advances by Jewish military and the atrocities committed against Arab villages
  • Fears of repeat massacres by Zionist militias after the Deir Yassin massacre, in which Zionist paramilitary groups massacred at least 107 of the village’s 600 inhabitants
  • Expulsion orders by Israeli authorities
  • Unwillingness to live under Jewish control
  • Palestinian evacuation orders

Israeli government soon passed laws that prohibited the refugees from returning to their homes, or claiming their property. Thus the scene was set for Israeli expansion some 67 years ago.

To this date the Palestinians and their descendants remain as refugees.

The ever-growing state of Israel believes the only way it could realistically expand is by occupying additional, larger portions of Syria. And The only thing that stands on the way of its expansion is the Syrian population—a mere technicality [sic.]

Israel can no longer rely on the likes of Irgun and Lehi paramilitary groups to terrorize the Syrians and force them to flee their lands. Instead, the Jewish State has employed the services of ISIL, the seemingly unstoppable terrorist group with “license” to massacre, rape, and destroy—not unlike the atrocities committed by Irgun and Lehi.

The rest, if they succeed, would be history.

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Withdrawal of SEM

Posted by feww on September 11, 2015

  • CJ Members
  • Public Notice

Notice of withdrawal of SEM Support for Hungary and Macedonia

FIRE-EARTH Science Team has resolved to withdraw SEM Support, as of today, for the following countries:

  • Hungary
  • Macedonia

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Significant Earthquakes September 10 – 11

Posted by feww on September 11, 2015

M5.9 quake strike Aleutian Trench, SE of Yunaska Island, Alaska

Centered at 52.163°N, 169.581°W the event occurred at a depth of 37.8km, reported USGS/EHP.

The quake was followed by at least two aftershocks, as of posting:

  • M4.9, about 87km SSW of Nikolski, Alaska 2015-09-10 at 16:59:39 UTC depth= 31.2km
  • M4.5, about 95km SE of Yunaska Island, Alaska 2015-09-10 at 12:02:31 UTC depth= 25.0km

Other Significant Events:

  • 4.6 15km SSW of Plomarion, Greece 2015-09-10 08:12:46 UTC 13.6 km
  • 5.1 65km NNW of Gueiria, Venezuela 2015-09-10 07:49:36 UTC 112.1 km
  • 5.4 26km W of `Alaqahdari-ye Kiran wa Munjan, Afghanistan 2015-09-09 21:03:24 UTC 107.1 km
  • 5.0 17km S of Sinabang, Indonesia 2015-09-09 12:41:46 UTC 26.4 km

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