Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for February 7th, 2016

Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) Pandemic Manmade

Posted by feww on February 7, 2016

Varroa-vectored virus pandemic threatens world’s pollinators  —study

World’s honeybees are undergoing population collapses that are caused by multiple threats, especially the deformed wing virus (DWV), according to a new study.

Deformed wing virus (DWV) and its vector, the mite Varroa destructor, posed a major threat to the world’s honeybee populations. And researchers have found that European honeybees are the primary source of the virus.

“European honeybees acquired the rapidly spreading Varroa mite from Asian honey bees, possibly via the commercial exchange of queens,” says the study.

Analysis shows that DWV has since spread globally in honeybees from the European honeybee.

The European honeybee Apis mellifera is an important domesticated animal that is used worldwide for commercial pollination of intensive and high-value crops, such as nuts and fruit, as well as for honey production.

DWV destroys both managed A. mellifera populations and wild populations and has been “identified as an emerging disease in wild pollinators, with dramatic impacts on survival in bumblebees.”

DWV exhibits epidemic growth and transmission that is predominantly mediated by European and North American honeybee populations and driven by trade and movement of honeybee colonies. DWV is now an important reemerging pathogen of honeybees, which are undergoing a worldwide manmade epidemic fueled by the direct transmission route that the Varroa mite provides.

DWV poses a threat to all pollinators.”Wild pollinators, such as bumblebees and solitary bees, have experienced a loss of species richness and diversity during recent decades, which can be attributed partly to infectious diseases.”

The study conclude that there is a “global pandemic of DWV, with transmission mediated by European populations of A. mellifera,” and that the virus transmission is being “amplified by human-mediated movement of honeybees or other infected material,” which are “fueled by the concurrent emergence of V. destructor mites.”

“Pollinator populations are interconnected via trade and movement of managed pollinators, which offers the potential for rapid spread of pathogens and parasites around the globe and between species.”

Full text of the report is posted HERE.

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Radioactivity at Indian Point Spiked by 65,000 percent

Posted by feww on February 7, 2016

Radioactive tritium-contaminated water leaked into groundwater at Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant

Radioactive tritium-contaminated water leaked into the groundwater at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.  The company reported massive levels of radioactivity at three monitoring wells, with one well’s radioactivity spiking 650 times from 12,300 picocuries per liter to over 8,000,000 picocuries per liter, or a rise of 65,000 percent, said NY Governor Cuomo.

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant is located close to 2 active earthquake faults, with about 6 percent of the US population living within a 50-mile radius of the failing reactors.

[Dated February 6, 2016] Statement from Governor Cuomo Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Facility:

“Yesterday I learned that radioactive tritium-contaminated water leaked into the groundwater at the Indian Point Nuclear facility.  The company reported alarming levels of radioactivity at three monitoring wells, with one well’s radioactivity increasing nearly 65,000 percent. The facility reports that the contamination has not migrated off site and as such does not pose an immediate threat to public health.

The levels of radioactivity reported this week are significantly higher than in past incidents.

“Our first concern is for the health and safety of the residents close to the facility and ensuring the groundwater leak ‎does not pose a threat. [If true, the leaky plant should have been decommissioned years ago! —Ed]

This is not the first such release of radioactive water at Indian Point, nor is this the first time that Indian Point has experienced significant failure in its operation and maintenance. This failure continues to demonstrate that Indian Point cannot continue to operate in a manner that is protective of public health and the environment.

“This latest failure at Indian Point is unacceptable and I have directed Department of Environmental Conservation Acting Commissioner Basil Seggos and Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker to fully investigate this incident and employ all available measures, including working with Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to determine the extent of the release, its likely duration, cause and potential impacts to the environment and public health.”

Cuomo’s letter directing Acting Commissioner Seggos and Commissioner Zucker to  begin their investigation can be viewed here. [Don’t hold your breath! —Ed.]

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The following video was published by Riverkeeper at

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