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Archive for the ‘Pregnant Women’ Category

Rare Sprinkle of Justice

Posted by feww on July 31, 2009

submitted by a reader

Image of the Day: Rare Sprinkle of Justice From the Court of Ghouls

Eighteen families won their case against toxic exposure

Thirteen-year-old Curtis Thorpe shows media his deformed hand outside the High Court in London after a group of eighteen families won their case against Corby Borough Council in Northamptonshire July 29, 2009. A group of 18 young people who blame deformities they were born with on their mothers’ exposure to toxic materials won a court case on Wednesday against their local council. The court was told that toxic material released into the atmosphere during reclamation works at a former steel plant between 1985 and 1999 could have been inhaled and ingested by pregnant women, leading to serious birth defects in their children. REUTERS/Stephen Hird. Image may be subject to copyright.

Posted in High Court London, Northamptonshire, Pregnant Women, toxic exposure, UK | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Fish liver oil supplement scam!

Posted by feww on October 17, 2008

Another fish liver oil supplement scam, but it isn’t from China!

New Zealand fish liver oil supplement contained only 10 percent of eicosapentaenoic acid stated on label

NZPA- A consumer watchdog in Hong Kong says more than 40 percent of the fish oils or fish liver oils tested there contained less fatty acids than claimed on the labels, and that a New Zealand product was one of the worst performers.

A New Zealand fish liver oil supplement, Kiwi House Arctic South-J, contained only 29.6 milligrams of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) per capsule instead of the 240mg claimed on its label, the Consumer Council told the Hong Kong Standard.

It said of the overall 28 samples tested, eight contained a level of Omega 3 fatty acid, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), lower than claimed and four samples had less EPA .

And a Nature’s Fruit Alaska Deep Sea Fish Oil from the United States contained 71 percent less DHA than on its label: 26mg per capsule instead of 90mg. That sample also contained the highest amount of trans fat of 40.6mg per capsule.

The tests also found 12 samples to have been contaminated with pesticide DDT though the level was within safety standards.

Copyright NZPA – source:

Related Links:

Posted in DDT, DHA, Omega 3, Pregnant Women, Tainted fish oil | Tagged: , , , , | 1 Comment »

TITO: Toxin In, Toxin Out!

Posted by feww on February 11, 2008

Outbreaks of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning

Poison the oceans and the fish will poison you! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Does it?

Outbreaks of ciguatera fish poisoning have been confirmed by the Food and Drug Administration. Fish such as amberjack, barracuda, grouper and snapper represent the most significant threat to consumers because they feed on fish that have eaten toxic marine algae. Symptoms of ciguatera poisoning include nausea, vomiting, vertigo and joint pain. In the most serious cases, neurological problems can last for months or even years.

Full report

Posted in Ciguatera, food poisoning, ocean, pollution, Pregnant Women, TITO | Leave a Comment »

Tuna Sushi, and Hold the Mercury!

Posted by feww on January 26, 2008

Oceana Report: Hold the Mercury’s new report on mercury levels in popular fish and sushi, Hold the Mercury, includes the results of mercury tests on 94 fish samples obtained from sushi bars and grocery stores from cities across the country.

Below is a summary of their key findings concerning high mercury levels found in tuna and swordfish and their recommendations:

Key Findings

  • Mercury levels in tuna were much higher than the FDA data suggest
  • Two-thirds of swordfish tested contained mercury above the FDA “action level”, which would permit the administration to remove these fish from sale
  • The FDA lacks data on bluefin tuna and other popular sushi tuna species
  • Average mercury levels of swordfish exceeded the FDA “action level”


  • Grocery companies should post the FDA advice about mercury in fish on signs at seafood counters
  • The FDA should increase the frequency of its testing for commonly consumed fish
  • The FDA should consider including fresh tuna on its “Do Not Eat” list
  • The FDA should require warnings to be posted where fish covered by the U.S. government advisories are sold

Related links:
Fish, Antibiotics, Pesticides, Toxic Materials
Pregnant Women, Eat Fish! Don’t Eat Fish!
Sustainable Lifestyles & Healthy Food,
UPDATE & New Links

Fish Farming: The Hazards & Environmental Impacts 
The Aquaculture Dilemma

Cat Suicide Dance
The Poisoning of Minamata
Minamata Disaster
1 in 6 American women have unsafe levels of mercury in their blood

Still Ill
Mercury Rising: The Poisoning of Grassy Narrows
Mercury Exposure
Mercury poisoning:
1 in 6 babies are at risk of developmental problems

Posted in food contamination, mercury, Pregnant Women, sushi, tuna | Leave a Comment »

Fish Farming: The Hazards, Environmental Impacts

Posted by feww on January 8, 2008

Fish, Antibiotics, Pesticides, Toxic Materials

Has the state of the fish farms improved or deteriorated in the past five years since the following report was released?

“The idea that farmed salmon is good for the environment is a myth, the groups said. They pointed out that a typical salmon farm, which packs hundreds of thousands of fish into an array of sea cages moored just offshore, discharges a wide range of pollutants into fragile ecosystems in places such as Downeast Maine. Over the years, these pollutants have included: antibiotics, pesticides, toxic materials used to coat the cages, thousands of tons of fish waste products, and escaping farm-bred fish themselves, which threaten the survival of wild salmon because they can interbreed and spread disease and parasites. Maine’s wild Atlantic salmon were placed on the federal Endangered Species List in November 2000.”

Full Report:
Groups Call For Action To End Environmental Abuses By Salmon Farming Industry

Posted in antibiotics, Endangered Species, Environmental Impacts, farmed salmon, pesticides, Pregnant Women, toxic materials | 2 Comments »