Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for the ‘suppression of information’ Category

Google Victims

Posted by feww on May 14, 2010

Google has too much blood on its hands

Google employees will be haunted by the many victims

Here we stand at the dawn of the second decade of 21st century—a time where we can reach each other, half way across the world, at near speed of light.

Yet when we try to warn our fellow humans against impending dangers, be it natural or  human-made disasters, all of our efforts are heavily filtered, blocked or buried by Google, Inc.

Had Google permitted hundreds of its censorship victims view the potentially vital information posted on this and other blogs, warning consumers, air travelers and holidaymakers against potentially deadly products, activities and places, at least some of the following people may have still been alive today.

The deaths are directly attributable to the victims’ inability to make an informed decision because Google prevented vital information from reaching them:

In the past two years, hundreds of tourists have been killed and a thousand or so others have been injured, most of them seriously, and many have been raped in New Zealand because they were unable to make an informed decision about traveling to that country.

Detailed information posted on the dangers of visiting New Zealand was heavily filtered and suppressed by Google.

How much longer are  WE THE PEOPLE going to tolerate Google censorship and suppression of vital safety information?

The time has come to demand from the lawmakers to break up Google into tiny, much less harmful pieces.

Google Censorship is a Major Threat to Our Personal Safety!]

Related Links:


Serial No 1,728. Starting April 2010, each entry on this blog has a unique serial number. If any of the numbers are missing, it may mean that the corresponding entry has been blocked by Google/the authorities in your country. Please drop us a line if you detect any anomaly/missing number(s).

Posted in environment, Internet censorship, search engine virtual monopoly, suppression of information | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Thought for the Day: “DO NO EVIL!”

Posted by feww on December 4, 2008

Or at least pretend you are NOT!

Google says their motto is “Do No Evil!” yet most of their immoral earnings come from predatory advertising, and their corporate practice is suppression of information!

The Moderators at public information blogs listed below once again condemn Google Inc in the strongest possible terms for content censorship.




Note: The above image incorporates the Google logo, which is a trade mark of that disgraceful corporation.

Google search engine,  which effectively dominates information search on Internet, permanently or periodically exclude specific posts, contents or information from the above-listed blogs thereby abridging the freedom of speech, and denying the public their right to know!

Google Inc poses a clear and present danger to freedom of speech. To minimize this threat, we urge those of the lawmakers who still believe in the Constitution to break up Google into smaller, less harmful units.

If there isn’t a law that specifically allows us to break up Google, Inc into smaller companies to prevent suppression of information, then we must create new laws that do so!

No single corporation in the U.S. poses as much threat to the freedom of speech, and therefore democracy, as does Google!

Related Links:

Posted in 1st Amendment, do no evil, First amendment, suppression of information | Tagged: , , , | 2 Comments »