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Posts Tagged ‘Francois Hollande’

Economic Emergency for France

Posted by feww on January 18, 2016

French President declares “a state of economic and social emergency”

French President Francois Hollande has declared what he called “a state of economic and social emergency,” for the country pledging a 2-billion-euro ($2.2 billion) plan to revive hiring and catch up with a fast-moving world economy, AP reported.

France has been under a state of emergency since the terrorist attacks in November.

“Due to the threat of terrorism in the past, we had to introduce a state of emergency. But amid global chaos and an uncertain economic environment, it’s appropriate to talk about a state of economic and social emergency. Employment is the most important question after the security of French citizens,” TASS news agency quoted Hollande as saying.

“Hollande stressed the urgency of updating France’s labor-friendly business model in an increasingly border-free, online economy. The measures included a loosening of France’s rigid working time rules, and a bonus of 2,000 euros to small businesses that hire young people,” AP reported.

“He stressed the need to integrate youth from France’s troubled suburbs, including minorities who face job discrimination, into the global economy. High unemployment in France’s North African and African communities is seen as one of the factors driving some youths to violent extremism or the drug trade.”

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Russian Warplane Shot Down near Syria-Turkey Border

Posted by feww on November 24, 2015

UPDATE: The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed the Russian Su-24 military plane was shot down by a Turkish F-16 over Syrian territory. The plane was attacked while returning to Khmeimim airbase, said the Ministry, adding that the plane did not violate Turkish air space.

Report compiled by a reader

Turkey says it shot down Russian warplane

Excerpts from various reports

Turkish military: The Russian pilot had been warned at least 10 times  over five minutes the plane had violated Turkish airspace. Two of F-16 fighter jets shot down the plane.

Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoglu: Turkey has the right to respond to violations of its airspace.

Russian President Vladimir Putin: Turkey has stabbed Russia in the back by shooting down our warplane. They have acted as an accomplice to the terrorists. The plane was flying 1 km away from the Turkish border and posed no threat to Turkish national security.

Russia noticed of the flow of oil from Syrian territory under the control of terrorists to Turkey, Putin said.

Apparently, IS now not only receives revenue from the smuggling of oil, but also has the protection of a nation’s military, Putin said. This may explain why the terrorist group is so bold in taking acts of terrorism across the world, he added.

The incident will have grave consequences for Russia’s relations with Turkey, Putin warned.

The fact that Turkey did not try to contact Russia in the wake of the incident and rushed to call a NATO meeting instead is worrisome, Putin said. It appears that Turkey want NATO to serve the interests of IS, he added.

Putin said Russia respects the regional interests of other nations, but warned the atrocity committed by Turkey would not go without an answer

Russian Defense Ministry: A Russian Su-24 fighter has been shot down in Syria. The aircraft was flying at the altitude of 6,000 meters within the Syrian airspace.

“Today an aircraft from the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic crashed on the territory of Syria supposedly shot down from the ground.”

“During all the flight time, the aircraft was flying only within the borders of the Syrian territory. That was registered by objective monitoring data.”

MSM: Footage posted online allegedly shows Russian pilots from the downed jet laying motionless, possibly dead on the ground and surrounded by Syrian Turkmens.

UK Foreign Office: “Clearly this is a very serious incident, but it would be unwise to comment further until we have more certainty on the facts.”

Internet: Turkish PM has requested extraordinary NATO council meeting to inform members of downing of Russian jet. Meeting scheduled for 5pm Brussels time.

History: This was the first time a NATO country has shot down a Russian or Soviet war plane since the 1950s.

Added by Moderator

Francois Hollande: Was it something I said? The French President had called for both Washington and Moscow to set aside their policy divisions over Syria and “fight this terrorist army in a broad, single coalition.” Unknown to him, those “policy divisions” are clearly irreconcilable.

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