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Posts Tagged ‘Russian Military’

Russian military presents “proof” of Turkey’s role in ISIL oil trade

Posted by feww on December 2, 2015

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The “NATO-protected” ISIL targets that coalition airstrikes in Syria avoided for more than 14 months

Media briefing “Russian Federation Armed Forces fighting against international terrorism. New data”

Satellite and aerial images taken on November 14, show 3,722 oil tankers, trucks and trailers waiting to carry oil stolen by ISIL, AlNusra Front and affiliated terrorist groups into Turkey, says the report.

“The fleet of terrorist [vehicles] features up to 8,500 tanker trucks which transport up to 200,000 barrels of oil daily [into Turkey.]”

Hundreds of oil tanker trucks cross the Turkey-Syria border each day, carrying oil stolen by the terrorists to the Batman refinery in Turkey.

Some of the oil, stolen from both Iraq and Turkey, is transported to two of Turkey’s Mediterranean ports and from there exported to other countries.

ISIL rakes in about three million dollars per day from the illegal oil trade, said the report.

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