Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

First Search from China in 2 Years

Posted by feww on March 20, 2010

Fire-Earth was banned by Google China about 2 Years ago

Today, the blog had a rare image search query through

As for the rest of the world, especially in the United States, Google is heavily filtering and burying information posted on this blog that blasphemes the Internet Mafia’s most sacred cows.

Note: The above image incorporates the Google logo, which is a trade mark of the Internet Mafia corporation.

Corporate Fascism

New recommended logo for Google, Inc. Logo incorporate color combination and insignia associated with fascism.

Google is controlling the number of hits on this blog and the actual content that may or  may NOT be searched for viewing via their search engines.

No single corporation in the U.S. poses as much threat to democracy, individual freedoms and therefore the security of the country as does Google!

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