Fire Earth

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Stuxnet Another Chernobyl?

Posted by feww on January 27, 2011

Stuxnet may have caused new Chernobyl: Russia

Russia says Stuxnet could have caused new Chernobyl: Report

Russia says NATO should investigate the computer virus attack on a Russian-built nuclear reactor in Iran because the incident may lead to a Chernobyl-type nuclear disaster, a report said.

The virus that hit the Iranian reactor’s computer system had caused the centrifuges to “spin out of control,” said Dmitry Rogozin,  Russia’s ambassador to NATO.

“This virus, which is very toxic, very dangerous, could have very serious implications,” he said, describing the virus’s impact as being like explosive mines.

“These ‘mines’ could lead to a new Chernobyl,” he said, referring to the 1986 meltdown at the Ukraine reactors, then part of the Soviet Union. “NATO should get to investigating the matter… This is not a private topic.” More…

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