Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Executive Order to “Shore UP the Collapsing Riverbank”

Posted by feww on November 2, 2013

Submitted by a member

What’s wrong with that!???

FACT SHEET: The White House, November 1, 2013

Executive Order on Climate Preparedness

President Obama Establishes a Task Force on Climate

“We’re going to need to get prepared.  And that’s why this plan will also protect critical sectors of our economy and prepare the United States for the impacts of climate change that we cannot avoid.  States and cities across the country are already taking it upon themselves to get ready… And we’ll partner with communities seeking help to prepare for droughts and floods, reduce the risk of wildfires, protect the dunes and wetlands that pull double duty as green space and as natural storm barriers.” – President Barack Obama, June 25, 2013

Really, what’s wrong with that???

Paying Lip Service to Environmental Preservation

On Friday, President Obama established a Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience to advise the Administration on how the Federal Government can respond to the needs of communities nationwide that are dealing with the impacts of climate change. The Task Force members include state, local and tribal leaders from across the country who will use their first-hand experiences in building climate preparedness and resilience in their communities to inform their recommendations to the Administration.

The President signed an Executive Order that directs Federal agencies to take a series of steps to make it easier for American communities to strengthen their resilience to extreme weather and prepare for other impacts of climate change.

Well, nothing is wrong with that, really, except that it’s a little too late, lacks concrete action, and relies on the very systems that have driven life on this planet to the precipice of collapse.

The window of opportunity closed a long while back, and all that anyone can do now is a meaningful prayer for the dead, in Latin.

President Obama has said that we have a moral obligation to our children and future generations to leave them a planet that is not polluted or damaged. 

A planet that is not polluted or damaged?

Is there a time-machine involved here? Because for a meaningful grasp of the above you need to travel back, way back, in time.

Building climate preparedness and resilience in our communities amid exponentially deteriorating climatic conditions and imminently collapsing  ecosystems is one thing (!), leaving behind “a planet that is not polluted or damaged” to our grown-up kids, let alone future generations, is an entirely different matter.

2 Responses to “Executive Order to “Shore UP the Collapsing Riverbank””

  1. let them eat .. said

    “let them eat French cuisine”
    Did I get this right? When climate extremes decimate crop production in this country, the president would order food for the 312 million citizens from Paris, France!?

  2. […] Executive Order to “Shore UP the Collapsing Riverbank” […]

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