Fire Earth

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Deadly Hindu Kush Earthquake – Update

Posted by feww on October 27, 2015

Hundreds dead, thousands injured, major destruction reported in Hindu Kush earthquake

Death toll in the M7.5 quake that occurred in the Hindu Kusnh region on Monday has claimed about 300 people and left more than  2,000 others injured so far, according to local reports. The casualty toll is expected to rise as rescue workers reach remote mountainous areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan devastated by the event.

The quake has affected a vast region, and caused major devastation to multiple communities.

In 2005, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Pakistan-administered Kashmir, killing more than 75,000 people.

In April this year, Nepal was struck by its deadliest earthquake on record, killing as many as 10,000 people and destroying or damaging nearly one million homes.

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