Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

States of Emergency Declared In Canada, Peru, Puerto Rico

Posted by feww on April 11, 2016

State of emergency declared in Peru’s Ucayali community due to mercury contamination

The Ministry of Health has declared a state of emergency in the Santa Rosa de Serjali community in Ucayali due to mercury contamination.

“The community of Santa Rosa de Serjali in Ucayali has been contaminated with high levels of mercury, with symptoms first appearing as early as November of 2014,” said a report.

Mass evacuation, as massive fire continues burning at Bay de Verde

“It’s absolute devastation,” said a worker at the Bay de Verde plant. “I got a phone call this morning at 6:30 and when I got out of bed and came downstairs, all I could see was black smoke coming from down in the plant.”

“My first thought was, ‘Oh my god, what’s gonna happen?'”

“Half of the [southern section of the community of about 700] has been evacuated, our emergency plan has been initiated and I have declared a state of emergency,” said the mayor.

State of emergency declared in Attawapiskat over spate of suicide attempts

Of the 2,000 citizens of Attawapiskat on remote James Bay, 101 people have tried to kill themselves, with one person dying, since September. The youngest was 11, the oldest 71, according to the First Nation’s chief, CBC reported.

On Saturday night alone, 11 people attempted to take their own lives, said Chief Bruce Shisheesh.

The Attawapiskat First Nation is an isolated First Nation located in Kenora District in northern Ontario, Canada, at the mouth of the Attawapiskat River on James Bay.

State of emergency declared at Puerto Rico government bank

Puerto Rico Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla has declared a state of emergency at the Government Development Bank. He says the move is intended to protect the residents.

The executive order is aimed at  protecting the bank’s dwindling liquidity by only allowing withdrawals needed for the delivery of essential public services.

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