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Who Stole the Brits’ Mojo?

Posted by feww on June 1, 2017

UK suicide helpline received 5.7mn calls last year

Death from disadvantage: the impact of economic divides on suicide

New figures published by the UK Samaritans show a record 5.7 million calls [the equivalent of about 13 percent of the country’s electorate] were made to the charity’s helpline in 2016, an increase of about 300,000 on the previous year.

“The figures come shortly after it was revealed that nearly half (48 per cent) of public sector workers and a third (32 per cent) of those in the private sector, took time off for mental health reasons in 2016.”

“Suicide is complex but it’s also an inequality issue and a number of factors, including deprivation, can put you at increased risk,” said Samaritans’ chief executive. “Even two pence a minute was enough to deter some callers, which is why we were determined to make all calls to Samaritans free.”

Dying from Inequality Report: Suicide rates are up to three times higher in the most deprived areas compared to the most affluent.

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