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California Burning: Deadly Wildfires Update 101501

Posted by feww on October 15, 2017

Red Flag Warnings remain in effect across N. California as strong north winds increase fire activity

Gusty winds increased fire activity on Saturday, forcing more than 100,000 people to abandon their homes including 3,000 from the city of Santa Rosa, as of Saturday, Cal Fire reported.

More than 10,000 fire personnel are trying to control 16 large wildfires that in total have burned at least 214,000 acres (~86,600 hectares).

These extremely destructive blazes, have destroyed an estimated 5,700 structures, killing at least 40 people, with hundreds of others reported as missing including 235 in Sonoma County alone.

The death toll is expected to rise as cadaver dogs  begin searching the rubble from thousands of incinerated homes.

Red Flag Warnings 

Red Flag Warnings remain in effect across Northern California due to strong north winds, which have already increased fire activity. A Red Flag Warning is also in effect in Southern California through the weekend, Cal Fire reported.

Deadliest Wildfires in California History

The wildfires are now the deadliest in California history, surpassing the previous record of 29 deaths from the 1933 Griffith Park fire in Los Angeles.

Wildfire Season Currently Third Worst in the US History

This year’s wildfire season is currently (Saturday, October 14) the third worst in the US history, with more than  8.7 million acres charred, behind 2015 (9.3 million acres) and 2012 (8.9 million acres). The ten-year annual average (2006 – 2016) is 6 million acres, according to NIFC.

Countrywide Active Resources (NIFC)

Fires: 28 | Cumulative: 605,997 acres | Crews: 251 | Engines: 933 | Helicopters: 60 | Personnel: 11,254


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