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Archive for the ‘kidney stones’ Category

Obesity: Weight in YOUR Kidney

Posted by feww on February 18, 2010

Health Information – Public Release: Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

Obesity—mild or severe—raises kidney stone risk

Obesity in general nearly doubles the risk of developing kidney stones, but the degree of obesity doesn’t appear to increase or decrease the risk one way or the other, a new study from Johns Hopkins shows.

A 6×8mm Kidney Stone. Credit: Robert R. Wal

“The common thinking was that as weight rises, kidney stone risk rises as well, but our study refutes that,” says study leader Brian R. Matlaga, assistant professor of urology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and director of stone diseases and ambulatory care at Hopkins’ James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute. “Whether someone is mildly obese or morbidly obese, the risk for getting kidney stones is the same.”

The findings are published in the February Journal of Urology.

Over the last decade, several epidemiological studies have shown a strong connection between obesity and kidney stone disease. However, as obesity continues to rise worldwide, Matlaga and his colleagues wondered whether different subcategories of obesity, ranging from mildly to morbidly obese, presented different risks.

To answer the question, the researchers used a national insurance claims database to identify 95,598 people who had completed a “health risk assessment” form with information about their body mass index (BMI), a measure of body fat calculated by dividing weight by height, and a general indicator of underweight, healthy weight, or overweight. The database, which spanned over a five-year period from 2002 to 2006, also had encoded information indicating whether these individuals had been diagnosed with kidney stone disease.

Using a definition of obesity as having a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2 (which, in English measurements, corresponds to a 5 foot tall person who weighs 153 pounds, or a 6 foot tall person who weighs 221 pounds), the researchers calculated the incidence of kidney stones in people who were non-obese and in those who were obese. Among the non-obese individuals, 2.6 percent were diagnosed during the study period with kidney stones, compared to 4.9 percent of the obese individuals. When the investigators arranged those in the obese group by their BMIs, ranging from above 30 kg/m2 to more than 50 kg/m2, they found that the increased risk remained constant, regardless of how heavy the individuals were.

Matlaga says that he and his colleagues aren’t sure why obese people are more at risk for kidney stones, though metabolic or endocrine factors unique to obesity are likely reasons, along with dietary factors such as a high-salt diet. The researchers plan to study these potential risk factors in subsequent studies.


Other researchers who participated in this study include Michelle J. Semins, M.D., Andrew D. Shore, Ph.D., Martin A. Makary, M.D., M.P.H., Thomas Magnuson, M.D., and Roger Johns, M.D., M.P.H., all of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

For more information, go to:

Contact: Christen Brownlee
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

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Four times more babies sickened by Sanlu-Fonterra formula

Posted by feww on December 2, 2008

Nearly 300,000 babies [four times more than previously admitted] sickened by Sanlu-Fonterra infant formula

The state-owned news agency, Xinhua, reported the Chinese Ministry of Health as saying that up to 300,000 children suffered from urinary tract abnormalities including kidney stones after consuming melamine-tainted baby formula  produced by Sanlu-Fonterra joint venture and other brands.

According to government statistics, a total of over 51,900 children were hospitalized, with 861 of them still in hospital. Some 154 cases have been classified as ‘severe,’ and [at least] six babies have died.

Xinhua also said that China dairy exports fell 92% year-on-year in October 2008 [down from 12,000 to only about 1,000 tons per month.]

In October the U.S. Food and Drug Administration imposed an import alert on Chinese import food making it hard for the Chinese to export food products to the US.

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Taiwan Cares about Citizens, China Doesn’t!

Posted by feww on September 30, 2008

Taiwan demands apology, compensation from China over tainted milk

Taipei – Taiwan Premier Liu Chao-hsuan told parliament on Tuesday that he demanded an apology and compensation as appropriate from China over tainted milk import.

“Hereby, I make a formal request to demand China apologize to Taiwan … Departments concerned will have calculate the damages caused within a week. Once the damages are confirmed, we will help seek compensation from China,” he said.

A 6x8mm Kidney Stone. Credit: Robert R. Wal

Five Taiwanese children have reportedly developed kidney stones after drinking tainted Chinese milk powder, and the food industry has incurred substantial losses due to product recalls.

A Taiwanese delegation that visited China last weekend to probe the tainted milk scandal, expressed concerns about the safety of imported food from China.

Beijing and Taipei subsequently agreed to cooperate closely on food safety issues. (Source)

Will China Prosecute Sanlu-Fonterra Directors and Executives for Corporate Manslaughter?

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Posted in China Food Import, Fonterra, food safety, kidney stones, Sanlu | Tagged: , , , , | 1 Comment »

Tainted Milk Sickens Lion Cub and Baby Orangutans

Posted by feww on September 30, 2008

Lion cub, baby orangutans sick from tainted Sanlu-Fonterra powdered milk

A lion cub and two baby orangutans nursed with tainted milkpowder for about a year have developed kidney stones at Hangzhou Safari Park near Shanghai.

A young orangutan is checked for kidney stones at an animal hospital in Hangzhou, in east China’s Zhejiang province, Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008. A lion cub and two baby orangutans from the Hangzhou Safari Park were found to have kidney stones after zoo workers fed them Sanlu brand milk powder for more than a year. Tainted dairy products have sickened thousands of infants and killed four in China. (AP Photo/EyePress). Image may be subject to copyright.

The tainted milk powder was made by the Sanlu-Fonterra joint venture operation, which has sickend at least 54,000 infants in China killing four. [The exact number of the dead infants appears to be a state secret.]

“The milk powder crisis made us very worried about the health situation of baby animals,” Ju Lijia, the animal park’s spokeperson reportedly said. “We stopped feeding with Sanlu after it was found to be tainted.”

So far, the three animals are the only ones diagnosed with kidney stones, Ju said. (Source)

Posted in china state secret, Hangzhou Safari Park, kidney stones, Shanghai | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Breaking News: China Deadly Milk Scandal Deepens

Posted by terres on September 19, 2008

Update Sept 22-08: Sanlu Was First Banned in 2004, then Reinstated

China Finds Liquid Milk Also Tainted

First melamine-tainted milk powder, now melamine-tainted ‘fresh’ milk, too!

Chinese inspectors said they found 10% of the milk from the country’s two largest dairies, Mengniu Dairy Group and Yili Industrial Group, contained up to 8.4 milligrams of melamine per kg.

This news came amid deepening tainted powdered milk scandal which has already killed 4 babies and claimed up to 7,000 infant victims with kidney stones, including at least 150 babies with acute kidney failures.  Sources:      VideoBBC; AP

Parents and their infants queue for medical treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Zhengzhou in Zhengzhou, capital of central China’s Henan Province, Sept. 17, 2008.  4 Infants have already died and up to 7,000 developed kidney stones, 150 of them with actue kidney failures, drinking Sanlu-Fonterra tainted baby milk powder. The chemical melamine was added to the milk as it was believed to have helped to increase protein content. (Xinhua/Zhao Peng)

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Fonterra had Foreknowledge

Truth About New Zealand

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