Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for the ‘space’ Category

Global Disasters/ Significant Events – May 25, 2013

Posted by feww on May 25, 2013

Sandstorm from Taklimakan Desert rages in NW China

An unusually strong sandstorm in Taklimakan Desert swept northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region this week, damaging or destroying homes, uprooting trees and crops, and lowering the visibility to less than 20 meters.

  • Whipped by strong winds of up to 50km/h, the storm shrouded a vast region.
  • Strong winds also swept parts of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, blanketing the region with floating dust and causing a temperature drops of at least 20 degrees.
  • The sand storm also impacted eastern China, severely affecting the air quality in Beijing, which saw the air pollution level rising to just below “hazardous level,” with AQI of 299 on Thursday.


March Against Monsanto: International Day of Protest

Hundreds of thousands of people across at least 59 countries are staging a global protest against Monsanto and GMO crops Saturday May 25.


GOES-13 Weather Satellite Fails

The outage occurred exactly a week before  2013 Atlantic hurricane season, which NOAA has predicted to be  “extremely active,” was about to start.

GOES-13, which was launched in 2006, will remain in storage mode while the problem is being investigated. There is no estimate on return to operations at
this time, NOAA said.


GOES-14 is providing GOES-East coverage. GOES-14 is stationary at 105 degrees West with no current plans to drift east. GOES-13 will remain in storage mode while the anomaly is being investigated. There is no estimate on return to operations at this time. More information:

GOES satellites provide the kind of continuous monitoring necessary for intensive data analysis. They circle the Earth in a geosynchronous orbit, which means they orbit the equatorial plane of the Earth at a speed matching the Earth’s rotation. This allows them to hover continuously over one position on the surface. The geosynchronous plane is about 35,800 km (22,300 miles) above the Earth, high enough to allow the satellites a full-disc view of the Earth.  Source: NOAA/SSD


23 Killed in clashes in Tripoli, Lebanon

At least 23 people have been killed  in fierce fighting between pro- and anti-Syria groups in Tripoli, Lebanon, according to a report.


1,022 Days Left 

Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.

  • SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,022 Days Left to ‘Worst Day’ in the brief Human  History
  • The countdown began on May 15, 2011 …


Global Disasters: Links, Forecasts and Background

Posted in Global Disaster watch, global disasters, global disasters 2013, Significant Event Imagery, significant events, space | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Why NASA Doctors Ozone Hole Data?

Posted by feww on September 21, 2007

White Elephant Update:

Fire Earth has made several attempts to contact NASA to find out why they are doctoring the Antarctic ozone hole data. NASA has not responded.

There is a general consensus of opinion among the Fire Earth contributing members concerning the reasons why NASA is doctoring the ozone hole data. Here are some answers to the 64 billion dollar question why the white elephant is misbehaving:

1. White House has ordered NASA to doctor the Data. NASA is under immense political pressure to assure the world community that all is well [sic], everything is under control [sic] and there is no longer any need to worry about the ozone hole [despite all evidence to the contrary!]

2. The ozone hole phenomenon is bad news for corporate business. It flies directly in the face of technology and technological “achievements.”

3. The ozone hole is a huge burden, an undesirable “cost” that NASA and the Government won’t internalize. [Therefore it’s being swept under the rug.]

4. NASA would put itself in a bad light if it continues to report the bad news, which is getting even worse.

5. If you can’t fix it, don’t bloody well talk about it.

6. NASA is under enormous pressure to prove Montreal Protocol has been “a resounding success,” despite the fact that Antarctic ozone hole is enlarging!

7. NASA is suppressing the Antarctic ozone hole data at the behest of the Australian and New Zealand governments [and others] for political, monetary and socioeconomic reasons.

8. Hiding behind lies, disinformation and abstractions.

9. Other additional reasons.


Posted in australia, environment, government, new zealand, news, ozone hole, politics, space | 1 Comment »