Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Posts Tagged ‘Empire of the United States’

World’s Most Unethical Country Also “Greatest Threat to Global Peace”

Posted by feww on January 2, 2014

US the biggest threat to global peace in 2013: Poll

The United States is considered to be the greatest threat to peace in the world by 65 nations in a 2013 global survey conducted by the Worldwide Independent Network/Gallup.

According to the survey, 24% of the world believes the United State represents the biggest threat to world peace. The US was followed by Pakistan (8%) and China (6%). Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and North Korea took joint fourth place with 5 percent of the votes.

  • Some 13% of the U.S. Citizens considered their own country the biggest threat to world peace.[Additionally, 70 percent of Americans believe the US government in incapable of making progress on important issues facing the nation in 2014. ]
  • Surprisingly, Saudi Arabia took only 1% of the votes, despite being a major sponsor of global terrorism.
  • Japan received only 4% of the votes, despite its warmongrel prime minister targeting China with $232 billion in weapons purchase.
  • Previously, Israel had “been described as the top threat to world peace, ahead of North Korea, Afghanistan and Iran, by [59 per cent of those interviewed in] an unpublished European Commission poll of 7,500 Europeans,” according to a report.

threat to world peace
Data: WIN/Gallup. Chart: FIRE-EARTH Blog.

WIN/Gallup, allegedly made up of 77 independent market research and polling firms, calls itself “the leading association in market research and polling,” and claims to cover 95% of the global market.

The 37th annual “End of Year Survey” of the association was described as  “a global study that collects the public view on the challenges that the world faces today,” which allegedly  reflects “the thoughts and behaviors” of the populations in 65 countries across the world.


  • Win/Gallup interviewed a total of 67,806 people  in 65 countries between September and December 2013.
  • The survey margin of error is +/- 3.5%.
  • The global average was calculated according to the proportion of the adult population in the surveyed countries.


In its 2011 “End of the Year” post titled

Most Unethical Nations in 2011 [and Probably 2012]

Posted by feww on December 31, 2011, FIRE-EARTH said

World’s top 20 countries with the highest arms expenditure 

Top 20 countries with the highest military expenditure for 2010 shown as a percentage of the world total. Source: SIPRI Military Expenditure Database, War Resisters League and others.

1. The “Tier 1 Coalition Countries,” or the countries that obediently  support the United States war efforts to maintain its empire status, which include Japan, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Australia, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Spain and the Netherlands account for at least 71% of the world’s total arms procurement.

2. Arms procurement is normally 20-50% of the countries’ military budgets.

3. World’s total arms expenditure for 2010-2011 was estimated at $1,655 billion.

4. The 2012 United States federal budget is a staggering $2,847 billion, of which 48% ($1,372 billion) is allocated to the military. (Source). The figure includes 30% or $869 billion for current military operations, and 18% or $503 billion for past military disasters from Total Outlays of $2,847 billion in 2012 fiscal year. [“The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—not to mention the Pentagon’s voracious appetite for expensive weapons systems—have been a gold mine for the Big Five:  Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Northrop-Grumman and Boeing.” ~ “From Pentagon, a Buy Rating on Contractors,” Joe Nocera, New York Times, Feb. 11, 2011]

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