Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

MEGI Regaining Strength, Headed Toward China

Posted by feww on October 19, 2010

Typhoon MEGI Regaining Strength on the Way to China

MEGI killed at least a dozen people in the Philippines; it has now cleared Luzon, and is expected to strike China’s southern Guangdong province, possibly as a cat 4 to 5 hurricane in the next 72 hours.

Typhoon MEGI Regaining Strength in South China Sea. IR Satellite Image (NHC Enhancement). Source: CIMSS. Click image to enlarge.

The super typhoon cut a swathe of destruction through northern Luzon, the main island of the Philippines, destroying tens of thousands of homes, uprooting trees, cutting power and communication lines and affecting at least  a million people in five of the country’s northern provinces and the resort city Baguio.

The typhoon also caused extensive flooding and triggererd landslides throughout the region.

About 80 percent of homes “in rice-producing Ilagan and Tumauini towns were destroyed or damaged,” a report said.

“We’ll try to reach coastal towns facing the Pacific, because there were reports 90 percent of the houses there were wiped out,” a senior official told reporters.

Typhoon MEGI Forecast paths. Source: CIMSS. Click image to enlarge.

As of posting Vietnam and Thailand’s northeast have seen extensive flooding, leaving thousands of people homeless with four reported deaths so far, reports say.

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