Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for October 10th, 2011

Death Tolls Climbing in SE Asia Flooding ‎

Posted by feww on October 10, 2011

Humanitarian disaster unfolding as Thailand’s worst flooding in living memory intensifies

Floods and mudslides triggered by heavy monsoon rains since late July have submerged large sections of Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam and southern China killing or injuring thousands and leaving tens of millions of people affected.


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In view of the continued hacking and censorship of this blog by the Internet Mafia, the Moderators have decided to maintain only a minimum presence at this site, until further notice.

FIRE-EARTH will continue to update the 2011 Disaster Calendar for the benefit of its readers.

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WordPress Continues to Hack Fire-Earth, Affiliated Blogs

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Disaster Calendar 2011 – October 10

[October 10, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,619 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

  • Thailand. Hundreds of people have been killed or injured in the country’s worst flooding in living memory.
    • The reported death toll stands at 270, as of posting.
    • Flooding and mudslides triggered by more than 10 weeks of heavy monsoon rains have devastated at least 30 of Thailand’s 77 provinces, officials said.
    • About 1.5 million hectares of farmland is deluged.
    • Up to a million homes have been destroyed or damaged.
    • About 5 million people have been affected so far.
    • Floodwaters threaten to swamp the capital Bangkok (Metro Population:~ 14.6 million).
    • “The Chao Phraya river running through the capital, already high because of water coming from overflowing dams in the north, could be swollen from around October 13 by further heavy rain plus high sea tides affecting its estuary,” a report said.
    • The forecast for the main rice crop has been slashed by about 20 percent  to 21 million tons due to flood damage, the report cited the commerce ministry as saying.
    • “In Thailand’s ancient capital Ayutthaya, about 80 kilometres (50 miles) upriver of the capital, historic temples have been swamped and a large industrial estate, home to a slew of Japanese electronics and auto parts makers including car giant Honda, has been flooded. “AFP said.
    • The government has ordered various agencies to prepare to evacuate people from 10 central provinces.
  • Philippines. Death toll from the two powerful typhoons that tore across northern Luzon, Philippines has climbed to at least 102, with 26 others missing, officials have said.
    • Typhoon NESAT hit the Philippines on September 27,  followed on October 1 by Typhoon NALGAE, causing $360 million in crop damage alone.
    • The flooding and mudslides are expected to continue for at least a month.
  • Cambodia. The country’s worst flooding this century has forced tens of thousands of people to flee their homes, leaving more than 200 people dead since the beginning of September.
  • Vietnam. At least 24 deaths have been reported from flooding in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta.
    • “Flooding across the fertile Mekong Delta helped drive rice prices to a three-year high in Vietnam [in late September,] traders said, which will add to inflation problems. The delta produces more than half of Vietnam’s rice and 90 percent of its exportable grain.” Said a report.

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