Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for October 18th, 2011

Iron Range death toll from mesothelioma rises

Posted by feww on October 18, 2011

82 Iron Rangers die from rare form of lung cancer

At least 19 more people have died from the deadly lung cancer mesothelioma since the 63 reported by Minnesota state health officials in 2010.


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In view of the continued hacking and censorship of this blog by the Internet Mafia, the Moderators have decided to maintain only a minimum presence at this site, until further notice.

FIRE-EARTH will continue to update the 2011 Disaster Calendar for the benefit of its readers.

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Disaster Calendar 2011 – October 18

[October 18, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,611 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

  • Iron Range (Minnesota), USA. At least 19 more people have died from mesothelioma, a rare and always fatal form of lung cancer, since the 63 reported by Minnesota state health officials last year.
    • Caused only by exposure to asbestos fibers, mesothelioma takes about 30 years after exposure to show up.
    • Previously it was believed that the Iron Range mesothelioma cases were caused by exposure to commercial asbestos, however, researchers now say that asbestos-like fibers from mining taconite rocks may be responsible for the  fatal disease.
    • “Early results also show that 1,681 taconite workers, of about 46,000 who ever worked in the industry, developed some sort of lung cancer. Again, it’s not clear if that rate is higher than normal, and it may never be clear if the cancers were caused by exposure to taconite dust, smoking or a combination of factors.” Said a report.
    • “It’s estimated about 80,000 workers have been involved in mining since the first operations began in Minnesota in the late 1800s. Researchers are focusing on the roughly 46,000 people born since 1920 who worked in the production of taconite — a low-concentrate iron ore that has been mined and processed in Minnesota since the 1950s.”

Other Disasters

  • Punjab, Pakistan. Death toll from dengue fever in Lahore has climbed to 274, a report said.
    • About 28,400 cases of dengue have been reported in Punjab, with more than 17,000 in Lahore alone, the report said.
    • Currently more than 330 cases of infection are reported daily.
  • Bangkok, Thailand. Death toll from flooding in Thailand has climbed to at least 315, amid growing fears that flood barriers protecting the capital Bangkok will fail, reports said.
    • Flooding has affected about half a million square kilometer of Thailand (total area: 513,115 sq km).
    • More than a million homes have been destroyed or damaged by flooding, affecting up to 10 million people in 61 of Thailand’s 77 provinces.
    • Floodwaters have also inundated “14,172 factories in 20 provinces, affecting 663,218 workers,” according to a senior official.
    • Floods have forced about 10 large industrial parks employing a total of more than a million to close.
    • About 270,000 workers and residents have been evacuated from the Navanakorn industrial park, located north of Bangkok, after flood protection barriers failed swamping the large estate. The industrial estate was declared “safe” by the authorities on Monday.
  • Vietnam. Death toll from has climbed to at last 55 from devastating floods in central and southern provinces of Vietnam, with dozens of people reported injured.
    • Record flooding caused by the Mekong river have inundated about 200,000 buildings, “damaging 1,455 km of dykes and 1,300 km of roads,” and destroying tens of thousands of hectares of rice paddies, aquatic farms, sugarcane fields and other cropland, reports said.
    • At least 50,000 people have been evacuated from various provinces.
  • Central America. Two separate low-pressure weather systems are wreaking havoc across Central America, one moving from the Pacific and the other from the Caribbean. The combined reported death toll from torrential rains, flooding and mudslides in Central America  (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua) and Mexico is reaching 100.
    • At least 750,000 people have been displaced as up to 120cm (~ 47 inches) of rain is dumped over the region since last week.
  • Honduras. Honduran government has declared a state of emergency in the southern portion of the country.
  • Nicaragua. Nicaraguan President has declared a state of emergency as 130,000 people are evacuated. The capital Managua is threatened by flooding as Lake Xolotlan continues to overflow.
  • Guatemala. Reported death toll from flooding in Guatemala has climbed to at least 38. The toll is expected to rise, officials said.
  • El Salvador. About 40 people are reported dead or missing, with 35,000 others evacuated so far as the government declares a “major emergency.”

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