Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for October 9th, 2011

Hundreds Flee as Wildfires Rage in Manitoba

Posted by feww on October 9, 2011

Flames and smoke force the closure of several highways, as hundreds evacuate homes 

Wildfires consume about 50,000 acres in southeastern Manitoba as more than 500 people move to shelters.


Continued hacking and content censorship

In view of the continued hacking and censorship of this blog by the Internet Mafia, the Moderators have decided to maintain only a minimum presence at this site, until further notice.

FIRE-EARTH will continue to update the 2011 Disaster Calendar for the benefit of its readers.

WordPress is HACKING this blog!

WordPress Continues to Hack Fire-Earth, Affiliated Blogs

The Blog Moderators Condemn in the Strongest Possible Terms the Continued Removal of Content and Hacking of FIRE-EARTH and Affiliated Blogs by WordPress!

United States of Censorship

Even Twitter Counters are disabled when Blog posts criticize Obama, or contain “forbidden phrases.”  See also: Google’s Top 10 List of ‘Holy Cows’.

Disaster Calendar 2011 – October 9

[October 9, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,620 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

  • Manitoba, Canada. About 50,000 acres of land have been consumed by wildfires in southeastern Manitoba forcing more than 500 people to move to shelters.
    • Dry conditions and winds of up to 90 kmh helped spread the fire covering an area 40 km long and six km wide near the town of Bissett,  a report said.
    • “Fires also raged outside the southeastern Manitoba communities of Lac du Bonnet and Stuartburn, where a state of emergency was declared and 60 people were asked to leave for safety.”
  • Alberta, Canada. At least 12 fires are burning across Alberta, including a large fire north of Fort McMurray, which started in May.
    • McMurray fire has consumed more than 700,000 hectares,  fire officials said: “We expect that fire to be burning up until, probably, the next couple of months.”
    • “We’ve had just about 950,000 hectares of Alberta burn this year, and last year at this time we only had 80,000, so that’s quite a significant difference.”
  • Cairo, Egypt. Clashes between Coptic Christians and the security forces in Cairo have left at least 23 people dead and 150 injured, reports said.
    • About 10 percent of Egypt’s 81 million population are Christians.
    • “The only beneficiary of these events and acts of violence are the enemies of the January revolution and the enemies of the Egyptian people, both Muslim and Christian,” said the country’s Prime Minister.

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Thailand Flooding at ‘Crisis Level’

Posted by feww on October 9, 2011

Worst ever flooding in Thailand threatens capital Bangkok

Rising floodwaters which have killed or injured hundreds of people and destroyed thousands of homes across Thailand are now threatening the capital Bangkok.


Continued hacking and content censorship

In view of the continued hacking and censorship of this blog by the Internet Mafia, the Moderators have decided to maintain only a minimum presence at this site, until further notice.

FIRE-EARTH will continue to update the 2011 Disaster Calendar for the benefit of its readers.

WordPress is HACKING this blog!

WordPress Continues to Hack Fire-Earth, Affiliated Blogs

The Blog Moderators Condemn in the Strongest Possible Terms the Continued Removal of Content and Hacking of FIRE-EARTH and Affiliated Blogs by WordPress!

United States of Censorship

Even Twitter Counters are disabled when Blog posts criticize Obama, or contain “forbidden phrases.”  See also: Google’s Top 10 List of ‘Holy Cows’

Disaster Calendar 2011 – October 8

[October 8, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,621 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

  • Bangkok, Thailand. Rising floodwaters have killed or injured hundreds of people, destroyed thousands of homes across Thailand and are now threatening the capital Bangkok, the Prime Minister has warned.
    • Floodwater has also destroyed millions of acres of crops, toppled bridges, severed rail links, shut dozens of highways and inundated the city of Ayutthaya.
    • Government may be unable to cope because “the water volume is extraordinary and is beyond expectations.” Thailand’s new Prime Minister said, “it is now going to have a direct impact on Bangkok.”
    • The floods which have triggered massive mudslides have killed at least 253 people, injured scores more and affected more than 8 million people in 60 of the country’s 77 provinces since late July, Thailand’s Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation said.

Other Disasters

  • Philippines.  Combined toll from two deadly typhoons, NESAT and NALGAE, which struck the Philippines last week  have climbed to at least 95, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC).
    • Some than 85 are injured and 34 missing, the agency reported.
    • The heaviest flooding occurred in the three rice-producing provinces of Bulacan, Pampanga and Tarlac, affecting more than 3 million people.
    • About 110,000 people have been displaced.
    • The government had earlier declared several provinces as disaster areas.
  • Central African Republic. A cholera outbreak in the Central African Republic has claimed 16 lives, with 57 other cases reported, AFP said.

Related Links

Posted in Climate change dividends, Climate change feedback, climate change hazards, Climate Change Midterm Dividends, Climate Chaos, global deluge, global disasters | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »