Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for October 28th, 2011

State of Emergency Declared in Cinque Terre, Italy

Posted by feww on October 28, 2011

Village of Monterosso no longer exists: The Mayor

Flooding and mudslides destroy at least two of the five World Heritage-listed ‘Cinque Terre’ villages.

Storms buffeted portions of Italy’s NW coastal regions of Liguria and Tuscany Tuesday, causing severe flash floods and mudslides, destroying at least two of the five Cinque Terre villages and leaving more than a dozen people  dead or missing.

Disaster Calendar 2011 – October 28

[October 28, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,601 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

  • Liguria [and Tuscany,] Italy. Flash flooding and mudslides in the fishing villages of Cinque Terre, located in the mountainous portion of Italian Riviera, has obliterated two of the five communities.
    • The two villages of Vernazza and Monterosso have all but been wiped out by torrents of mud and water poured down from the hills behind them.
    • “Monterosso no longer exists,” Angelo Betta the village mayor told reporters, describing the event as an “unimaginable disaster.”

    • Cinque Terre [“The Five Lands”] is composed of five villages: Corniglia, Manarola, Monterosso al Mare,  Riomaggiore and Vernazza.
    • The villages and surrounding area are listed as a a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    • The villages were cut off after flooding and mudslides destroyed the region’s  roads and bridges.
    • Hundreds of thousands of international tourists flock to the villages each year.

Other Global Disasters

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A year after Mt. Merapi erupted, killing at least 300 people and destroying thousands of homes,   many thousands of people remain homeless, a report said.
    • “Tens of thousands of people were made homeless by the lahar and the imposition of a 20-kilometer exclusion radius around the volcano’s crater. A year later, many are still living in temporary shelters, despite government pledges to build them new homes in safer areas.”
    • “The eruptions last year displaced around 100 million cubic meters of volcanic ash around the mountain,” said the head of the Volcano Investigation and Technology Development Institution (BPPTK).

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