Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for December 6th, 2011

Tens of Thousands Flee Mt. Gamalama Eruption

Posted by feww on December 6, 2011

Mt Gamalama erupts covering Ternate island with ash; tens of thousands flee

Hot ash and other volcanic debris from Gamalama volcano, which began erupting late Sunday evening, has covered almost the entire island city of Ternate, prompting tens of thousands of residents to flee.  The eruption ejected volcanic matter to a height of about 2 km above the volcano summit, and covered the island with a thick blanket of ash.

A small explosive eruption of Gamalama volcano in September 1980 is seen from the airport on the NE side of Ternate Island. Nearly 40,000 persons evacuated to a nearby island during the first two days of the eruption, which began on September 4 and lasted until the 23rd. Photo by S.R. Wittiri, 1980 (Volcanological Survey of Indonesia); caption by GVP

Disaster Calendar 2011 – December 6

[December 6, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,562 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

  • Ternate island, Indonesia. Hot ash and other volcanic debris from Gamalama volcano, which began erupting Sunday evening, has covered almost the entire island city of Ternate, prompting tens of thousands of residents to flee, and forcing  the closure of a nearby airport.  The eruption ejected volcanic matter to a height of about 2 km above the volcano summit.
    • More than 100 volcanic quakes have been recorded since the eruption began.
    • The 4-level alert status is currently at Level 3.
    • State volcanologist Surono said Gamalama had ejected “clouds of thick gray ash” into the air, and slow moving lava was  visible at the summit.

  • Gamalama Volcano
    • The 1,715-metre volcano forms the entire island of Ternate in North Maluku province, Indonesia
    • Most of the building on the island were destroyed during an 1840 eruption.
    • The volcano’s last major eruption occurred in 2003.
    • Recent eruptions include 1980, 1983, 1994, 2003 and 2011.
    • A violent eruption during Aug.- Sept. 1775 killed 141 people.
    • Gamalama is one of the 128 active Indonesian volcanoes (total of about 500).

Gamalama volcano (also known as the Peak of Ternate), one of the most active volcanoes of Indonesia, forms Ternate Island off the western coast of Halmahera. The northern and youngest of three cones forming the summit of Gamalama is seen here from the NE. Unvegetated areas in this 1994 photo consist of the ejecta blanket from recent explosive eruptions. Frequent eruptions have occurred since the 16th century, most of which originated from the summit vent. Photo by Gatot Sugiharto, 1994 (Volcanological Survey of Indonesia); caption by GVP.

Other Global Disasters

  • New Hampshire, USA. The disaster President has declared a major disaster exists in the State of New Hampshire following the pre-Halloween  severe storm and snowstorm that occurred during the period of October 29-30, 2011
    • The worst affected areas were the counties of Hillsborough and Rockingham, according to a WH press statement.
  • Kentucky, USA. Uniontown, Kentucky has declared a State of Emergency because pumps that keep water out of the town failed.
    • “Officials say the town has been pounded with rain, four inches in a 24 hour period. Two and half inches of that came down within two hours,” a report said.
    • The rainwater has flooded local streets and roads.

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Global Disasters

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