Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for December 8th, 2011

US 2011 Mega Disasters Costs Exceed $52 Billion*

Posted by feww on December 8, 2011

12 Mega Disasters in 2011 [so far]

The U.S. has sustained 112 weather/climate related Mega Disasters over the past 31+ years, with the overall damages/costs exceeding $1 billion: NOAA

*[NOTE: FIRE-EARTH estimates the total cost of damage from 2011 Mega Disasters to exceed $70 billion.]

Disaster Calendar 2011 – December 8

[December 8, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,560 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

  • United States. The U.S. has sustained 112 weather/climate related Mega Disasters over the past 31+ years, with the overall damages/costs exceeding $1 billion.
    • More than 10 percent of these (12 disasters)  have occurred so far this year.
    •  The previous record was set in 2008, with nine $1 billion disasters.
    • “We have good reason to believe [sic] that what happened this year is not an anomaly, but instead is a harbinger of what is to come,” NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco said in an interview.

YOUR models can’t duplicate our forecasts!

[Note: NOAA and IPCC simply lack any weather/climate model with such level of predictive power. There’s NO way Administrator Jane Lubchenco could back her prediction up with any scientific evidence whatever. We know this with complete certainty because Models based on ‘science-as-usual’ assumptions and conventional algorithms are incapable of providing long-term forecasts with any degree of accuracy. On the other hand, forecasts posted on this blog are proven to be unparalleled in accuracy time and time again because they employ powerful models that observe the planet in entirely different lights, and resonate with her movements. While FIRE-EARTH has NO objection to its forecasts being echoed by other sources, the Moderators expect at least basic acknowledgement.]

List of ‘Billion-Dollar’ Disasters that have occurred in 2011, as of posting (source NOAA):

  1. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona Wildfires Spring-Fall 2011
  2. Hurricane Irene, August 20-29, 2011
  3. Upper Midwest Flooding, Summer, 2011
  4. Mississippi River flooding, Spring-Summer, 2011
  5. Southern Plains/Southwest Drought, Heatwave, & Wildfires, Spring-Fall, 2011
  6. Midwest/Southeast Tornadoes and Severe Weather June 18-22, 2011
  7. Midwest/Southeast Tornadoes, May 22-27, 2011
  8. Southeast/Ohio Valley/Midwest Tornadoes, April 25-30, 2011
  9. Midwest/Southeast Tornadoes, April 14-16, 2011
  10. Southeast/Midwest Tornadoes, April 8-11, 2011
  11. Midwest/Southeast Tornadoes, April 4-5, 2011
  12. Groundhog Day Blizzard, Jan 29-Feb 3, 2011

Several  new records were set in 2011,  so far, including 

  • Texas Drought: The most intense drought 117 years of records occurred in Texas this summer.
  • Tornadoes: 199 tornadoes struck on April 27, the highest on record for any single day in the United States.

Across the Globe

  • UK. The UK Met Office has issued its highest warning, a red alert, prompting regional authorities to shut hundreds of schools, and causing bridge and road closures, as 90mph winds batter the country’s coastal areas, a report said.
    • “Parts of England and Northern Ireland are also being hit by extreme wind and rain.”
    • Wind gust of 130 mph were reported in the Ski resort of  Aonach Mor, near Fort William in the Scottish Highlands.
    • Police forces in Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway, Central Scotland and Lothian and Borders have issued a ‘do not travel’ warning, advising motorists against all travel, as severe winds  batter the country, the report said.
  • Colombia. Bogota (Population ~8.8 million), the capital and largest city of Colombia, has declared a state of emergency after extreme rain events triggered severe flooding, inundating the southwestern part of the city and leaving 10,000 people homeless,  El Tiempo newspaper reported.
    • “The river’s water volume has reached record levels — 64cm above that which is needed to issue a red alert — flooding more than 700 farms in the surrounding areas,” said the report.
    • In all probability water levels would continue to rise.
    • More than 21 people were killed, about 40 missing and dozens of others are trapped in the northwestern city of Manizales after a landslide, a report said.
    • Since the start of the second rainy season in September, at least 500,000 people have been affected by floods and landslides across the country, including more than 50,000 in Bogota.
    • The rainy season has claimed at least 134 lives, destroyed about 1,000 homes and damage up to 80,000 others.

Global Disasters

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