Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for December 18th, 2011

Typhoon WASHI: 1,650 dead or missing

Posted by feww on December 18, 2011

Death toll from typhoon WASHI tops 650, about 1,000 missing

At least 650 bodies have been recovered following the floods caused by typhoon WASHI, mostly women and children, and up to 1,000  others are reported as missing.

Disaster Calendar 2011 – December 18

[December 18, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,550 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

  • Mindanao, Philippines. Typhoon WASHI [locally known as ‘Sendong’] dumped more than a month of average rains on Mindanao island in southern Philippines according to local weather office.
    • A total of more than 1,650 people have lost their lives or reported as missing after flooding and landslides triggered by the typhoon [locally known as ‘Sendong’] buffeted southern Philippines.
    • Some 652 people were killed in eight provinces in the southern Mindanao region, said the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC).
    • “This thing happened so fast. It’s overwhelming. We didn’t expect these many dead,” a senior official said.
    • “We need body bags and lime to deal with too many cadavers,” said General Roland Amarille, head of an army task force in Iligan.
    • “Local mortuaries are no longer accepting cadavers and they are even asking people to bury the dead at once because there are too many bodies even in hallways.”
    • “About 70 percent of the houses on the island were washed into the sea,” Amarille said.
    • The authorities have declared states of calamity in Iligan City,  Dumaguete City and the municipality of Valencia, both located in Negros Oriental province.
    • At 4:00am local time, December 18, 2011, TS WASHI [‘SENDONG’] made another landfall near Puerta Princesa City and is now heading towards the West Philippines Sea, NDRRMC reported.
    • In its latest update, the NDRRMC also reported the storm had so far affected 19,759 families [or 108,130 people] in 140 districts in 17  municipalities and eight cities in 11 provinces.

Other Global Disasters

  • East Java, Indonesia. At least 220 people were missing [possibly as many as 600 are feared dead,] after an overcrowded boat packed with political and economic refugees heading for Australia sank off the coast of east Java in Indonesia, officials said.
    • Between 30 and 75 people have been rescued, according to different reports.
  • Cairo, Egypt.  At least a dozen demonstrators have been killed and about 500 others wounded by the Egyptian army following a third day of clashes in a new round of uprising as the winter of the so called “Arab Spring” deepens.
    • Increasingly, the Egyptians are realizing that what they actually participated in wasn’t a “revolution,” but a coup d’etat, cunningly orchestrated by the military and its paymasters and carried out on the back of a mass uprising.
    • Egypt is Israel’s next-door neighbor. Hell would freeze over before Egyptians are allowed to have a functioning democracy!
  • Russia. Some 53 people are dead or missing after an oil rig overturned in the Sea of Okhotsk in the Russian Far East, the emergency service officials said.

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