Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Locust Plague Continues in Madagascar

Posted by feww on May 6, 2013

Locust plague threatens livelihoods of 60% of Madagascar population

Locust infestations is threatening the livelihoods of 13 million Malagasy, about 60 percent of the population, nine million of whom entirely depend on Agriculture.

locusts madagscar 2013
The locust could wipe out food crops and livestock grazing lands and destroy the peasant families’ ability to provide for themselves, said the FAO.

“The heart of the locust plague is in the country’s southwestern region – an area prone to drought and cyclones, where more than 80 percent of the people live below the poverty line. In February 2013, Cyclone Haruna flooded rice fields in the region’s coastal areas – rice production is central to Madagascar’s economy – causing significant damage while also creating ideal breeding conditions for locusts. ”

More than 1.5 million hectares, some two-thirds of the country, could be infested by locusts by September 2013, said FAO.

A locust plague can last more than a decade, if left untreated, progressively intensifying each season. Tens of billion of locusts  devastate food crops, as well as grazing lands, which are vital for keeping livestock healthy and productive.

Adult Migratory Locusts can multiply quickly, forming highly mobile groups and swarms. Depending on its size, a swarm – made up of millions of locusts – can eat up to 100 000 tonnes of green vegetation per day. A locust plague – which is what Madagascar is now facing – means thousands of swarms. That translates to billions of locusts. —FAO

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One Response to “Locust Plague Continues in Madagascar”

  1. TG said

    WOW! this very serious.

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