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States of Emergency Declared for 80 Cities in Brazil

Posted by feww on December 27, 2013

Extreme Weather Events

Death Toll Rises to 50 in Brazil Floods; 60,000 Displaced

Dozens of people are confirmed dead, and more than 60,000 others displaced due to severe flooding and landslides in Brazil’s southeast states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo,  authorities said.

At least 54 of the 79 municipalities in Espirito Santo (population: 4 million), have declared states of emergency. In Minas Gerais (population: 20 million), the authorities have declared states of emergency in at least 26 municipalities.

Extreme Rain Events in Espirito Santo have inundated roads, bridges and homes. The floods were the “worst ever” since record-taking began 90 years ago, said the Espirito Santo governor Renato Casagrande.

He called the week-long rainstorm “the worst natural disaster in the history of Espirito Santo.”

Most of the victims were buried in deadly torrents of mud and authorities say the death toll may rise. Landslides have also destroyed a large number of homes, roads and bridges, burying everything in their paths and  leaving dozens  of cities (Municipalities) are without electricity and drinking water.

Minas Gerais

In January 2012, Brazil’s southeastern state of Minas Gerais (pop: 20 million) declared a States of Emergency in 46 cities following sever flooding.

Flooding and mudslides triggered by extreme rain events in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais left at least 50 people dead, missing or injured and forced more than 10,000 people to flee their homes.

  • About 3,000 buildings were destroyed or damaged.
  • The disasters have affected at least 2 million people.

Rio de Janeiro

The state Civil defense authorities placed several municipalities in Rio de Janeiro under a state of maximum alert following widespread flooding.

  • The worst-hit area is the municipality of Nova Friburgo, located about 135 km from the state capital Rio de Janeiro [city.]

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Search blog content for a comprehensive list of major flood and landslides in Brazil since 2010.

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