Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for March 23rd, 2017

Israeli-American Who Made Fake President Apologize For Fake Threats On US Jews

Posted by feww on March 23, 2017

Submitted by a Reader

“He’s the guy who was behind the JCC threats” —Israeli police

An Israeli Jewish man has been arrested as the primary suspect in a string of bomb threats targeting Jewish community centers and other institutions across the U.S., New Zealand and Australia, AP reported.

In February, the fake president denounced the threats and rejected “anti-Semitic and hateful threats in the strongest terms.”

“The Anti-Defamation League says there have been more than 120 bomb threats against U.S. Jewish community centers and day schools in the U.S. since Jan. 9. Those threats led to evacuations of the buildings, upset Jewish communities and raised fears of rising anti-Semitism. The threats were accompanied by acts of vandalism on several Jewish cemeteries.”

“He’s the guy who was behind the JCC threats,” said Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld who described the suspect as a hacker.


[ After the “attacks” on Jewish cemeteries, it became immediately obvious that the entire campaign was a false-flag operation,” said Mike Smith, who submitted the report.]

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Mass Die-off: Yellow Fever Decimating Monkeys in Brazil

Posted by feww on March 23, 2017

Thousands of brown howler monkeys killed by yellow fever in federally-protected reserve in SE Brazil

“Yellow fever, a virus carried by mosquitoes and endemic to Africa and South America, has robbed the private, federally-protected reserve of its brown howlers in an unprecedented wave of death that has swept through the region since late 2016, killing thousands of monkeys,” according to a report.

“The way yellow fever has spread also concerns Brazilian health officials. As of mid-March 2017, they have confirmed more than 400 human cases of the disease, mostly in Minas Gerais, causing nearly 150 human deaths. The Brazilian Ministry of Health is investigating another 900 possible cases and concern is mounting that it will spread to cities, threatening many more people.”

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