Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for March 28th, 2017

Warren Buffett’s Coke Challenge: “Loaded, Not Loaded”

Posted by feww on March 28, 2017

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Northern Ireland police investigating ‘Human waste found in Coca-Cola cans’

The night shift at Coca-Cola’s Lisburn plant was disrupted last week when machines became clogged with what looked like human waste, said a report.

“It was absolutely horrible, and the machines had to be turned off for about 15 hours to be cleaned,” a source said. “It was unusual because normally the cans come from somewhere else in the UK, but this time they apparently came from Germany.”

Blaming it on Trump’s “Friends?”

“The rumour is that some poor immigrants could have made that long journey in the lorry and that in their desperation were forced to use the cans instead of a toilet.

“It’s really shocking – and beyond the shock of finding something pretty disgusting in the cans is the thought there could have been poor people in that situation. And if they did make that journey, where are they now?”

‘Human waste’ in cans forces shutdown at Coca-Cola plant in Northern Ireland. The line at Coca Cola’s plant in Lisburn, Co Antrim. Source:


The factory manager at Coca-Cola Hellenic in Lisburn, located in the city’s Knockmore industrial estate, contacted the police, who are investigating the matter.

“Coca-Cola take the safety and quality of our products extremely seriously,” the canned drinks giant said.

“The FSA in NI is aware of a physical contamination incident at Coca-Cola Hellenic in Lisburn. There is no evidence to suggest that any affected product has reached the market [but we can’t say for sure,]” said the Food Standards Agency in N. Ireland.


“I’m about one-quarter Coca-Cola,” and that he had seen no evidence that switching to “water and broccoli” would make it easier for him to make it to age 100,” said Buffett in an interview.

“I elect to get my 2,600 or 2,700 calories a day from things that make me feel good when I eat them. That’s my sole test,” he said. “I like fudge a lot. Peanut brittle. I am a very, very, very happy guy.”

His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owned 400 million shares of Coke, about 9 percent of the company, as of May 2016.

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FIRE-EARTH Tectonics Forecast 000501 – Update 000328

Posted by feww on March 28, 2017

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FIRE-EARTH Tectonics Forecast 000501 – Update 000328

[Issued by FIRE-EARTH Science Team.]

  • Details of Forecast and current ALERTS are available from FIRE-EARTH PULSARS.


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UK: ‘Fake science used to justify badger culls’

Posted by feww on March 28, 2017

UK government risked losing trust on how it used evidence on important scientific issues —Researcher

The UK government is accused of using “fake science” to justify its policy of culling badgers to control cattle TB.

Prof Rosie Woodroffe, a wildlife expert at the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), says the UK government ministers were creating an “illusion” of success to justify their policy of culling badgers to control cattle TB, said a report.

Prof Woodroffe, who conducted the scientific research of culling badgers to control Cattle TB, which forms the basis of the current policy, said the government risked losing trust on how it used evidence – not just on its policy on controlling cattle TB but on other important scientific issues as well, the report said.

“When evidence is being cherry-picked and presented in the best possible light, it ceases to be evidence. It is fake science,” Woodroffe said.

“When it comes to (other policy areas) such as climate change and bee pollination, issues that have a big impact on lives and livelihoods of people, it is important that we can rely on the government to provide good evidence to stand up to scrutiny.”


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FIRE-EARTH Presentation: “Why Can’t I Unelect?”

Posted by feww on March 28, 2017

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What did it take to deconstruct the “American Myth?”

[Prepared by an affiliated team of political scientists.]

This Presentation and the following ones in the series are available from FIRE-EARTH PULSARS.


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