Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for August 17th, 2018

The Pedo-Popes

Posted by feww on August 17, 2018

[Reprinted with Permission]

Fathers of the Church:  “Saint Wolfgang and the Devil”

Thousands of pedophile priests have molested minors in the US since 1950, but the church has only paid about $2 billion in damages.

Below: Wolfgang und der Teufel (“Saint Wolfgang and the Devil”) panel of Pacher’s Kirchenväteraltar (“Fathers of the Church” altarpiece, c. 1483), on display at the Alte Pinakothek in Munich.

And the Church doctrine remains UNCHANGED!

Your church is now ready, Wolfgang. Here are the rules, again:

  1. Smite everyone who has a different religion because we don’t want the flocks going around wondering why there are so many shepherds!
  2. Slay all the indigenous people in the world because that’s how we can suppress spirituality, eliminate sustainable lifestyles and ensure “end times!” Besides, wee need their lands.
  3. Torture and burn all of their intellectuals at stake because we don’t like anyone asking questions or sowing the seeds of doubt in the sheeple’s mind!
  4. Forbid the flocks to plan their family and encourage them to f*ck like rabbits. The more children the merrier!
  5. Sodomize all of their children because that’s the only way we can ensure there would be enough new recruits in every generation to perpetuate the lie.

Oh, and don’t worry about paying off damages. I’ll provide an endless supply of money . . .

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