Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Posts Tagged ‘Warren Buffett’

Warren Buffett’s Coke Challenge: “Loaded, Not Loaded”

Posted by feww on March 28, 2017

Submitted by a reader

Northern Ireland police investigating ‘Human waste found in Coca-Cola cans’

The night shift at Coca-Cola’s Lisburn plant was disrupted last week when machines became clogged with what looked like human waste, said a report.

“It was absolutely horrible, and the machines had to be turned off for about 15 hours to be cleaned,” a source said. “It was unusual because normally the cans come from somewhere else in the UK, but this time they apparently came from Germany.”

Blaming it on Trump’s “Friends?”

“The rumour is that some poor immigrants could have made that long journey in the lorry and that in their desperation were forced to use the cans instead of a toilet.

“It’s really shocking – and beyond the shock of finding something pretty disgusting in the cans is the thought there could have been poor people in that situation. And if they did make that journey, where are they now?”

‘Human waste’ in cans forces shutdown at Coca-Cola plant in Northern Ireland. The line at Coca Cola’s plant in Lisburn, Co Antrim. Source:


The factory manager at Coca-Cola Hellenic in Lisburn, located in the city’s Knockmore industrial estate, contacted the police, who are investigating the matter.

“Coca-Cola take the safety and quality of our products extremely seriously,” the canned drinks giant said.

“The FSA in NI is aware of a physical contamination incident at Coca-Cola Hellenic in Lisburn. There is no evidence to suggest that any affected product has reached the market [but we can’t say for sure,]” said the Food Standards Agency in N. Ireland.


“I’m about one-quarter Coca-Cola,” and that he had seen no evidence that switching to “water and broccoli” would make it easier for him to make it to age 100,” said Buffett in an interview.

“I elect to get my 2,600 or 2,700 calories a day from things that make me feel good when I eat them. That’s my sole test,” he said. “I like fudge a lot. Peanut brittle. I am a very, very, very happy guy.”

His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owned 400 million shares of Coke, about 9 percent of the company, as of May 2016.

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Posted by feww on February 22, 2017

  • CJ Members
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Understanding the Media as Subset of Global Shadow Government (Cabal)

[Prepared by affiliated scientists.]

  • Parts 1 and 2 of the presentation are available from FIRE-EARTH PULSARS.


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Greek Civil Volcano Erupts

Posted by feww on May 6, 2010

Epoch for Coke, Wall Street Gangsters, McDonald’s, Offshore Drilling, Greedy Multinationals … Must End

The European Illusion of Well Being is Finally Over. Change the system, or face the consequences. What is so difficult about this to understand?

Like a set of rotten teeth falling out of diseased gums, Portugal, Spain and others could follow.

European leaders are wetting themselves, knowing that the euro zone debt crisis could lead to a continental blowout.

President Karolos Papoulias declatred: ” Greece is on the brink of the abyss,” and warned the civil unrest could catch on like wildfire, after three people lost their lives during  “austerity measures” protests in the capital Athens.

Images of the Day: Greek Volcano Erupts, Athens on Fire

Demonstartors hurl projectiles at riot police near the Greek parliament in Athens during a nationwide strike in Greece, May 5, 2010. Credit: REUTERS/John Kolesidis. Image may be subject to copyright.

A riot policeman falls after being hit with Molotov cocktail near the Greek parliament in Athens during a nationwide strike in Greece, May 5, 2010.  Credit: REUTERS/John Kolesidis. Image may be subject to copyright. For a link to Reuters image gallery, see below.

What Governments Said

  • Germany: Europe’s fate is now at stake (German Chancellor Angela Merkel)
  • France: Euro is under speculative attack, but the attack cannot succeed. [You want to bet?]
  • Greece: Will deal with demonstrators by any means available to us, or words to that effect.

The Buffett Factor

Most of the world population are living on the margins, yet greedy investors like the Artifact of America, Warren Buffett, continue to siphon off what little lifeblood  is left in the communities and nations throughout the world. Recently, he lectured his disciples at Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholders meeting, defending the Wall Street gangsters for robbing blind the ordinary people. What you see in the photo is tiny consequence of his and his evil buddies’ tyranny against the people.

The Death Toll So Far:

“Three people, including a pregnant woman, choked to death when rioters set an Athens bank ablaze during a protest against wage and pension cuts that were the price of the 110 billion euro ($146.5 billion) EU/IMF bailout agreed on Sunday.” Reuters reported. Follow story here.

Related Links:

Serial No 1,678. Starting April 2010, each entry on this blog has a unique serial number. If any of the numbers are missing, it may mean that the corresponding entry has been blocked by Google/the authorities in your country. Please drop us a line if you detect any anomaly/missing number(s).

Posted in Artifact of America, Berkshire Hathaway, euro, eurozone, Goldman sachs | Tagged: , , , , | 1 Comment »

Oil Spill Attack on America – UPDATE May 3

Posted by feww on May 3, 2010

We’re dealing with a massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster—Obama

“The oil that is still leaking from the well could seriously damage the economy and the environment of our Gulf states.

“And it could extend for a long time. It could jeopardize the livelihoods of thousands of Americans who call this place home.” Mr Obama added.

We know that, Mr President. Why aren’t you doing something about it?

Deepwater Horizon Trajectory Map May 2. Click image to enlarge.

Projected oil trajectory for May 4. Source: NOAA/DOI. Click image to enlarge.

BP’s Mississippi Canyon 252 oil leak- NOAA forecast for location and size of oil spill, May 3. Click image to enlarge.


“NOAA is restricting fishing for a minimum of ten days in federal waters most affected by the BP oil spill, largely between Louisiana state waters at the mouth of the Mississippi River to waters off Florida’s Pensacola Bay. The closure is effective immediately,”the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in a statement.

“The scenario is a very grave scenario. You’re looking at potentially 90 days before you ultimately get to what is the ultimate solution.”  Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. [Could you say that one more time?]

Gov. Robert Riley has ordered the National Guard to construct barriers against the oil slick drifting toward Alabama because, he said, about 80% of  boom laid down off the gulf coast had destroyed  by  rough seas.

When asked why there was no plan to deal with the disaster at the oil well,  BP PLC Chairman Lamar McKay said it “seemed inconceivable” that equipment installed to avert a blowout would fail.

Seafood Quality

“Although crude oil has the potential to taint seafood with flavors and odors caused by exposure to hydrocarbon chemicals, the public should not be concerned about the safety of seafood in the stores at this time.” FDA said in a statement Dated April 30, 2010.

Just How Many Birds Are Out There in the Coastal Marshlands

No one told the birds to stay behind the boom line. Then again, it makes precious little difference because the waves easily push the oil over the boom and deposit the stick stuff on the beaches. Further, Gov. Robert Riley of Alabama says about 80% of  boom laid down off the coast have been broken down. Image credit: Sean Gardner/Greenpeace handout/via Reuters. Click image to enlarge.

Oil Stats:

  • How many Active Platforms in GOM? See image below.
  • How Many Active Leases? There were 7,310 leases in March 2008.
  • How Much Crude Oil  in the Damaged Well? Up to 250 million BOE [Fire-Earth estimate.]
  • GOM Oil as a Percentage of Total US Output: 25%, deepwater operations account for 18% (2007).
    [If you are reprinting Fire-Earth data published here, please quote source in case clarification is needed.]

NOAA map of
the northern Gulf of Mexico showing about 4,000 active oil and gas platforms (July 2006). Click image to enlarge.

What GOM Oil Sill Looks Like (close up)

Gulf’s crude stream. Image credit: Chris Graythen, Getty Images. Image may be subject to copyright. Click image to enlarge.

Quote for the Day: “Buffett ‘n’ BP”

In the same way the Artifact of America (Oracle of Omaha) is staunchly defending the Wall Street Gangsters, Goldmn Sachs for their self-indulgence, he should defend the pirates of the Gulf, BP, for their greed—Blog reader C.B.

The damage is not just about birds and fish, it’s also about people. Blog reader KBD

Related Links:

Other Sources:

Serial No 1,663. Starting April 2010, each entry on this blog has a unique serial number. If any of the numbers are missing, it may mean that the corresponding entry has been blocked by Google/the authorities in your country. Please drop us a line if you detect any anomaly/missing number(s).

Posted in BP oil spill, gulf of mexico oil leak, Gulf of Mexico oil Spill, Gulf of Mexio | Tagged: , , , , | 8 Comments »