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Philippine Disaster Zone: “It’s Like the End of the World.”

Posted by feww on November 10, 2013

Victims walking like zombies looking for food

Eyewitness Accounts from the Typhoon Disaster Zone

  • “Tacloban is totally destroyed. Some people are losing their minds from hunger or from losing their families,” a high school teacher told reporters. “People are becoming violent. They are looting business establishments, the malls, just to find food, rice and milk… I am afraid that in one week, people will be killing from hunger.”
  • “People are walking like zombies looking for food,” said a medical student in Leyte. “It’s like a [horror] movie.”
  • “It’s like the end of the world,” said a Chinese tourist, describing the scene of total devastation in Tacloban City.
  • Aerial surveys show “significant damage to coastal areas” with large ships thrown ashore, countless homes destroyed and large swathes of crops “decimated,” said The U.N.’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).
  • “We had a meeting last night with the governor and the other officials. The governor said, based on their estimate, 10,000 died,” said a senior official in the province of Leyte. “The devastation is so big.”
  • “From a helicopter, you can see the extent of devastation. From the shore and moving a kilometer inland, there are no structures standing. It was like a tsunami,” said Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas. “The dead are on the streets, they are in their houses, they are under the debris, they are everywhere,” said a Tacloban City Councilor.
  • “I have never seen such damage in my life,” said Capt John Andrews, deputy director general of the Civil Aviation Authority in the Philippines. I saw “utter destruction […] At the airport, there’s actually no structure left standing except the walls,” he told reporters.
  • “Almost all houses were destroyed […] Only a few houses are left standing, but with partial damages,” Major Rey Balido, a spokesman for the national disaster agency said.

Typhoon Disaster Zone
Super Typhoon HAIYAN Disaster Zone. Screenshot from AP news video bulletin showing a scene of devastation in Leyte Province, Philippines. See video HERE.

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  1. […] Philippine Disaster Zone: “It’s Like the End of the World.” […]

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