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Dozens of Tornadoes Attack South Dakota

Posted by feww on June 19, 2014

SCENARIOS 111, 088, 066, 023

Tornadoes Trap Residents in Wessington Springs, SD

“We know there has been damage and we know that it is significant. At this point, emergency personnel are in route to the city to offer help,” an official told reporters.

“We’ve heard people are trapped in their homes here in town. Search and rescue are out trying to help law enforcement,”  said director of patient care at Avera Weskota Memorial Hospital in south-central South Dakota.

“It really is all still happening right now. The tornado hit across the street from the hospital—really just one block away—and there is stuff and debris everywhere.”

Tornadoes have also touched down in North Dakota and Colorado, according to the Storm prediction Center (SPC).


Reported tornado damage include

  • Homes obliterated
  • Scores of homes loosing roof
  • Large, rain-wrapped tornadoes touching down in SD
  • Large stove pipe rain wrapped tornado spotted
  • Rope tornado spotted

Flood Disaster

The attack took place just a day after Gov. Daugaard activated more than 120 Soldiers from the South Dakota National Guard to assist the state in flood response operations in southeast South Dakota.

On Tuesday rising flood waters cut off the small city of Canton, submerging homes and businesses cars and highways, and trapping scores of people.

“The severe storm pounded the eastern part of the state Monday afternoon and also slammed southwest Minnesota and northwest Iowa, where at least one community was evacuated because of a swelling river. Emergency crews rushed to rescue people from their homes and fill sandbags as a defense against the waters,” NBC reported.

Record rains have inundated the region this month, with Sioux Falls receiving more than 10 inches.

“Monday’s storm sent the Rock River in Rock Rapids, Iowa, cresting at more than 24 feet, and it was expected to rise another four feet, officials warned. About 350 people in the Lyon County community of Alvord were ordered to evacuate Monday,” reported KTIV.

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