Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for June 19th, 2014

M6.4 Quake Strikes WNW of Sola, Vanuatu

Posted by feww on June 19, 2014


Strong quake occurs 85km WNW of Sola, Vanuatu

Centered at 13.577°S, 166.826°E, the quake struck at a depth of 59.9km (37.2mi), said USGS/EHP.

EQ Details

Event Time: 2014-06-19 10:17:58 UTC

Location: 13.577°S 166.826°E depth=59.9km (37.2mi)
Nearby Cities

  • 85km (53mi) WNW of Sola, Vanuatu
  • 219km (136mi) N of Luganville, Vanuatu
  • 878km (546mi) ESE of Honiara, Solomon Islands



The next detailed FIRE-EARTH Earthquake Forecast will be released together with Bulletin NO. 108  on Friday,   June 20, 2014.


Posted in earthquake forecast, Earthquake Hazard, Earthquake news, earthquake report, Earthquake Warning, significant events | Tagged: , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

EBOLA Epidemic Spreading in West Africa

Posted by feww on June 19, 2014


Death toll from Ebola outbreak in West Africa climbs to 337

Death toll from an outbreak of Ebola in West Africa—Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone— has risen to 337 since February, this year, reported World Health organization (WHO).

The the epidemiological situation as of June 18, 2014 is as follows:

Some 47 new cases and 14 additional deaths were reported across the region last week. Guinea is currently the worst affected country with 264 Ebola-related deaths, while  the death tolls in Sierra Leone has climbed to 49, with  Liberia reporting 24 fatalities.

Guinea (from WHO report)

Between June 14 and 16, 2014 an additional f 7 new cases and 5 new deaths were reported in Guinea, Gueckedou (4 cases and 5 deaths) and Boffa (3 cases and 0 deaths). The cumulative number of cases and deaths reported from Guinea to 398 (254 confirmed, 88 probable and 56 suspected) and 264 deaths, according to WHO.

The geographical distribution of these cases and deaths is as follows: Conakry (70 cases and 33 deaths); Guéckédou (224 cases and 173 deaths); Macenta (41 cases and 28 deaths); Dabola, (4 cases and 4 deaths); Kissidougou (8 cases and 5 deaths); Dinguiraye (1 case and 1 death); Telimele (30 cases and 9 deaths); Bofa (19 cases and 10 deaths) and Kouroussa (1 case and 1 death). Twenty four (24) patients are currently in EVD Treatment Centres: Conakry (6), Guéckédou (9), Telimele (3) and Boffa (6).

The number of contacts currently being followed countrywide is 1,258 and distributed as follows: Conakry (252), Guéckédou (529), Macenta (52), Telimele (118), Dubreka (118) and Boffa (189). So far 69.4% (2,848 contacts being followed-up out of a 4,106 contacts registered since the beginning of the outbreak) have completed the mandatory 21 days observation period.

Possible Outbreak in Senegal and Gambia

News of a possible outbreak in Senegal may have been suppressed. As of early April, Gambia had placed at least two people with suspected EHF under quarantine.

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF)

EHF is a highly contagious virus that spreads via close personal contact and kills up to 90% of the victims.

Five subspecies of Ebolavirus have so far been found. Four of those have caused disease in humans: Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus); Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus); Taï Forest virus (Taï Forest ebolavirus, formerly Côte d’Ivoire ebolavirus); and Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus). The fifth, Reston virus (Reston ebolavirus), has caused disease in nonhuman primates, but not in humans, according to CDC.

There are  no known cure or vaccine for the Ebola virus.

In Africa, confirmed cases of Ebola HF have previously been reported in the following countries:

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
  • Gabon
  • South Sudan
  • Ivory Coast
  • Uganda
  • Republic of the Congo (ROC)
  • South Africa (imported)

The current outbreak  is the first known occurrence of Ebola HF in Guinea.

“The natural reservoir host of ebolaviruses, and the manner in which transmission of the virus to humans occurs, remain unknown. This makes risk assessment in endemic areas difficult. With the exception of several laboratory contamination cases (one in England and two in Russia), all cases of human illness or death have occurred in Africa; no case has been reported in the United States,” said CDC.

Ebola virions (image 2 colorized 1), diagnostic specimen from the first passage in Vero cells of a specimen from a human patient — this image is from the first isolation and visualization of Ebola virus, 1976. In this case, some of the filamentous virions are fused together, end-to-end, giving the appearance of a “bowl of spaghetti.” Negatively stained virions. Magnification: approximately x40,000.  Micrograph from F. A. Murphy, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas.

12 deadly pathogens could spread into new regions aided by climate change

A report by Wildlife Conservation Society released on October 7, 2008 lists 12 deadly pathogens that could spread globally as a result of climate change. “All have potential impacts to both human and wildlife health as well as global economies.” Report said.

Titled ‘The Deadly Dozen: Wildlife Diseases in the Age of Climate Change,’ the report illustrates examples of diseases that could spread due to temperatures changes and variations in regional precipitation levels.

The “Deadly Dozen” list [ABC order]

  1. Avian influenza
  2. Babesia
  3. Cholera
  4. Ebola
  5. Intestinal and external parasites
  6. Lyme disease
  7. Plague
  8. Red tides
  9. Rift Valley fever
  10. Sleeping sickness (trypanosomiasis)
  11. Tuberculosis
  12. Yellow fever

Situation in Conakry (Guinea) – from WHO report

The outbreak in Conakry, capital city of Guinea with total population of about 1.5 million, started on 3 March 2014. It is linked (epidemiologically) to the outbreak in Gueckedou.

  • As at 15 June 2014, a total of 68 cases and 33 deaths were reported of which 31 cases recovered and discharged. The distribution of cases by location is shown in figure 3.
  • Cumulatively, 1001 contacts were identified of which 668 completed their follow-up and currently 333 are under follow-up.
  • The outbreak spread to the following districts: Telimele (30 cases including 9 deaths), Boffa (19 cases including 10 deaths) and Kouroussa (1 case including 1 deaths). The geographical distribution of cases in Telimele and Boffa is shown on the next page.

Situation in Gueckedou, Macenta and Kissidougou (Guinea)


  • The first cases of EVD outbreak in West Africa were reported from Gueckedou district which has a total population of 405,000.
  •  The onset of the index case was on 2 December 2013.
  •  A total number of 221 cases including 171 deaths were reported; 43 cases were recovered and discharged.
  •  Cumulatively, 1911 contacts were identified of which 1366 completed their follow-up and currently 545 are under follow-up.


  • The outbreak in Macenta district started on 17 February 2014. The total population of the district is 296, 000.
  •  A total of 41 cases and 28 deaths were reported of which 12 cases recovered and discharged.
  •  Cumulatively, 359 contacts were identified of which 307 completed their follow-up and currently 52 are under follow-up.


  •  The outbreak in Kissidougou district started on 24 February . The total population of the district is 214,000.
  • A total of 8 cases and 5 deaths reported of which 3 recovered and discharged.
  • No new cases have been reported since 1 April 2014.



Posted in Climate Change, Global Disaster watch, global disasters, global health catastrophe | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Dozens of Tornadoes Attack South Dakota

Posted by feww on June 19, 2014

SCENARIOS 111, 088, 066, 023

Tornadoes Trap Residents in Wessington Springs, SD

“We know there has been damage and we know that it is significant. At this point, emergency personnel are in route to the city to offer help,” an official told reporters.

“We’ve heard people are trapped in their homes here in town. Search and rescue are out trying to help law enforcement,”  said director of patient care at Avera Weskota Memorial Hospital in south-central South Dakota.

“It really is all still happening right now. The tornado hit across the street from the hospital—really just one block away—and there is stuff and debris everywhere.”

Tornadoes have also touched down in North Dakota and Colorado, according to the Storm prediction Center (SPC).


Reported tornado damage include

  • Homes obliterated
  • Scores of homes loosing roof
  • Large, rain-wrapped tornadoes touching down in SD
  • Large stove pipe rain wrapped tornado spotted
  • Rope tornado spotted

Flood Disaster

The attack took place just a day after Gov. Daugaard activated more than 120 Soldiers from the South Dakota National Guard to assist the state in flood response operations in southeast South Dakota.

On Tuesday rising flood waters cut off the small city of Canton, submerging homes and businesses cars and highways, and trapping scores of people.

“The severe storm pounded the eastern part of the state Monday afternoon and also slammed southwest Minnesota and northwest Iowa, where at least one community was evacuated because of a swelling river. Emergency crews rushed to rescue people from their homes and fill sandbags as a defense against the waters,” NBC reported.

Record rains have inundated the region this month, with Sioux Falls receiving more than 10 inches.

“Monday’s storm sent the Rock River in Rock Rapids, Iowa, cresting at more than 24 feet, and it was expected to rise another four feet, officials warned. About 350 people in the Lyon County community of Alvord were ordered to evacuate Monday,” reported KTIV.

Related Links

Latest Extreme Weather-Related States of Emergency in the U.S. & Canda

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