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Archive for September 3rd, 2014

‘NATO is a destabilizing global force’

Posted by feww on September 3, 2014

Sent by a reader [Edited by JW]

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NATO risks provoking a new Cold War —CND General-Secretary

Britain’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) is placing a an order with General Dynamics worth £3.5 billion [$5.7billion] for 590 Scout Specialist Vehicles—the largest MoD order for armored vehicles since the Cold War (I). 

The vehicles will be “highly-agile, tracked, medium-weight armored fighting vehicle, providing British troops with state-of-the-art best-in-class protection,” said world’s 4th largest defense contractor.

Details of the deal were released to coincide with the NATO summit on Thursday, where President Obama is expected to call on European leaders to honor their military spending commitments and allocate at least 2 percent of their nations’ GDP to buying weapons.

“With the second-largest defense budget in NATO, meeting NATO’s 2 percent of GDP spending target and investing in new capabilities to deal with the emerging threats, we are ensuring Britain’s national security, staying at the forefront of the global race and providing leadership within NATO,” said Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron.

Meantime, Britain is spending about $80million on security operations during the summit, which has begun in Newport, Wales. Some 10,000 police officers, drafted from forces across the UK, will be protecting at least 61 heads of states and hundreds of VIPs from protesters.

The authorities have erected a 20-km ‘ring of steel’  to guard the summit.

NATO Expansion

Nato expansion
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has almost doubled in size—from 16 member states in 1990 to 28 in 2009. An additional 22 countries participate in NATO’s “Partnership for Peace program.”  Also, 15 other countries are involved in various programs. The combined military spending of NATO members amounts to more than 70% of the global total. Members have agreed to allocate 2% of their national GDP on military spending. Image source: automaticearth

“NATO is a destabilizing global force”

“Far from promoting security, NATO is a destabilizing global force,” said CND General-Secretary Kate Hudson.

“Its war of aggression in Afghanistan has killed tens of thousands and left that country fragmented: the ripples of which are being felt across the region.”

“Through its insatiable expansion into Eastern Europe, capitalizing on the vacuum left following the collapse of the USSR, NATO has contributed to heightening tensions around Russia and Ukraine, and risks provoking a new Cold War.”

“NATO has shown itself for what it is: an interventionist, expansionist, military club which favours threats over diplomacy.”

“We don’t want US/NATO nukes on European soil. We don’t want its wars of aggression. And we’re here to challenge this aggressive alliance which makes all of us less safe. Tens of millions around the world want peace, justice and an end to NATO.”

Related Links

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)

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