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70,000 Syrian Kurds Flee to Turkey Fearing Genocide

Posted by feww on September 21, 2014

SCENARIOS 600, 444, 411, 202, 201, 070, 069, 04, 02

Islamic State seizes more than 100 Kurdish villages in Syria

About 70,000 Syrian Kurds, fearing genocide by the advancing Islamic State terrorists, have fled into Turkey since Friday.

The Islamic State terrorists have seized more than 100 villages near the Turkish border and advanced on the frontier town of Kobani, said Reuters.

“A Kurdish politician from Turkey who visited Kobani on Saturday said locals had told him that Islamic State fighters were beheading people as they went from village to village.”

“Rather than a war this is a genocide operation … They are going into the villages and cutting the heads of people and showing them to the villagers,” a deputy for Turkey’s pro-Kurdish HDP told Reuters.

“Kobani is facing the fiercest and most barbaric attack in its history,” the head of Syria’s Kurdish Democratic Union told AP.

At least eleven Kurdish civilians, including young boys, have been executed in the villages near Kobani, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

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