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Terrorists Seize Iraq’s Nineveh Province

Posted by feww on June 10, 2014

SCENARIOS 444, 070, 202, 04

ISIS terrorists seize Iraq city of Mosul, free thousands of prisoners

UPDATE: The speaker of parliament told reporters late Tuesday that “terrorists” controlled the entire of Nineveh province [Population: ~ 3.3 million.] More than 250,000 people have reportedly fled Nineveh to Kurdish-controlled regions in northern Iraq.

ISIS terrorists have seized key Iraqi city of Mosul [Population: ~ 1.8 million,] capital of Nineveh Province, driving back government forces, according to reports quoting senior officials.

“The city of Mosul is outside the control of the state and at the mercy of the militants,” a senior Iraqi official told reporters.

Mosul is the second city to be seized by the Saudi-backed terrorist group known as the “Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” (ISIL or ISIS).  In January terrorists seized the city of Fallujah, and parts of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, forcing more than 70,000 people to flee their homes.

The much larger city of Mosul and surrounding Ninevah province are a major export route for Iraqi oil and a gateway to Syria, experts say.

The Iraqi Prime Minister has called on parliament to declare a state of emergency in response to the escalation, reports said.

ISIS have freed more than 2,500 inmates from a “counter terrorism prison,” according to numerous reports posted on the Internet by locals.

 Bloodbath Continues

Meantime, ISIS and its allies stepped up their terrorist attacks, killing or wounding dozens of people in the central town of Baquba in a double bomb attack, which targeted a funeral procession.

The terrorist attacks in western and northern Iraq have left scores of people dead or wounded since early June.

At least 1,027 civilians were killed in Iraq during the month of May, with the 2014 toll now standing at 5,595 civilians killed and thousands of others wounded.

Some 8,868 Iraqis, including 7,818 civilians and civilian police personnel, were killed in 2013, according to the United Nation’s Assistance (!) Mission in Iraq (UNAMI). [Iraq Body Count puts the number of civilians killed in violent acts at 9,475 for 2013.]

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