Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for June 7th, 2016

Holocaust in Mediterranean

Posted by feww on June 7, 2016

10,000 Migrants and refugees killed crossing Mediterranean since 2014: UNHCR

About 10,000 migrants and refugees have been killed or are missing (presumed dead) in the Mediterranean since 2014, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported on Tuesday.

About 3,500 were killed or reported missing in the Mediterranean Sea in 2014, with the toll climbing to 3,771 in 2015, while an additional 2,800 people lost their lives so far this year.

More than 1 million migrants and refugees entered Europe in 2015, followed at least 206,000 others since the beginning of this year, UN said.

Sent by a Reader in New York

Two Acts of Ultimate Depravity by People in the Big Rotten Apple

Ban Ki-moon Buckles Under Pressure by the Terrorist Saudi Govt.

Following a protest from the terrorist government of Saudi Arabia, the corrupt UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon removed the Saudi-led coalition fighting rebels in Yemen from a list of government forces that have committed “grave violations against children” in 2015.

The annual report on children and armed conflict released last week stated that the U.N. had verified a total of 1,953 youngsters killed or wounded in 2015 (the figure represented a six-fold increase in the number of child casualties in Yemen compared with 2014). About 60 percent of those casualties have been attributed to atrocities committed by the coalition, including 510 kids killed and 667 wounded in attacks on schools and hospitals.

NY Governor Signs Executive Order to ‘Blacklist’ BDS Supporters

Power corrupts, and gubernatorial power corrupts absolutely! New York Gov. Cuomo has signed an executive order that will penalize people and businesses that support non-violent boycott of Israel.

Cuomo said New York would “lead by example,” he said. “We are also a place of action.”

“We want to take immediate action because we want Israel to know that we’re on their side. If you boycott against Israel, New York will boycott you.”

The so-called “anti-BDS” bill is unconstitutional because it violates the basic right of free speech. It’s an affront to American values.

Official Announcement: Governor Cuomo Signs First-in-the-Nation Executive Order Directing Divestment of Public Funds Supporting BDS Campaign Against Israel

Click to access EO_157_new.pdf

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Strong Earthquake Strikes Off the Coast of Colima, Mexico

Posted by feww on June 7, 2016

M6.2 earthquake strikes SSW of San Patricio, Mexico

Centered at 18.412°N, 105.188°W (115.0 km SW of Manzanillo, Mexico) the quake struck at a depth of 10.0 km, USGS/EHP reported.

The main shock struck about 190km SW of Volcán de Colima (19.513, -103.617). Colima is one of the 16 Decade Volcanoes.

The event was followed by at least two significant aftershocks, as of posting.

Latest Seismicity

M4.6 ~ 156km SSW of San Patricio, Mexico 2016-06-07 11:07:05 UTC 10.0 km
M5.5 ~ 93km SSW of San Patricio, Mexico 2016-06-07 10:58:01 UTC 10.0 km
M6.2 ~ 102km SSW of San Patricio, Mexico 2016-06-07 10:51:38 UTC 10.0 km
M4.1  ~ 30km SW of San Patricio, Mexico 2016-06-07 10:32:14 UTC 10.0 km

Excerpt from Seismotectonics of Mexico [USGS]

Mexico has a long history of destructive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In September 1985, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake killed more than 9,500 people in Mexico City. In southern Mexico, Volcán de Colima and El Chichón erupted in 2005 and 1982, respectively. Paricutín volcano, west of Mexico City, began venting smoke in a cornfield in 1943; a decade later this new volcano had grown to a height of 424 meters. Popocatépetl and Ixtaccíhuatl volcanos (“smoking mountain” and “white lady”, respectively), southeast of Mexico City, occasionally vent gas that can be clearly seen from the City, a reminder that volcanic activity is ongoing. In 1994 and 2000 Popocatépetl renewed its activity forcing the evacuation of nearby towns, causing seismologists and government officials to be concerned about the effect a large-scale eruption might have on the heavily populated region. Popocatépetl volcano last erupted in 2010.


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