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World CO2 Emissions

Posted by feww on August 8, 2008

World Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions (from Fossil Fuel Consumption Including Flaring, Cement Production (FFFCP), and Tropical Deforestation (TD)

From 1-1-2008 to 8-8-2008 [08:08:08 GMT 😉 ]

23,803.61 MMT CO2
20,473.47 MMT [20,472,745,746,030 kg] from FFFCP
+3,330.14 from TD

Total Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions for 2007

38,058.66 MMT CO2
32,503.49 MMT
[32,503,489,000,000 kg] FFFCP
+5,555.17 MMT TD

Total anthropogenic CO2 production (1750 – Today) [based on CDIAC data updated by MSRB/CASF]

1,358,931.31 MMT CO2
1,271,796.21 MMT [1,271,796,205,000,000 kg] from FFFCP
+  87,135.11 MMT from TD

[“leftover from all previous emissions” = 1,729,948.05 MMT]

Total mass of atmospheric CO2

3,008,879.36 MMT [3,008.88 GT]

How much CO2 was there before?

Measurements of CO2 levels in Ice cores collected in Antarctica and Greenland indicate that the preindustrial carbon dioxide level was 278 ppm. Between 1000 and 1800 A.D. that level varied by no more than 7 ppm.

What about human activities?

The CO2 levels have now reached 386 ppm, which means human activities have increased the concentration of atmospheric CO2 by 109 ppm or 39 percent.

MMT: Million Metric Tons
GT: Gigatons (billion tons)
Sources: CASF/MSRB; CDIAC; Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency; Earth Systems Research Laboratory; Mauna Loa CO2 monthly mean data.

The following data were used to calculate the total mass of atmospheric CO2 :
1. Mass of dry air: 5.1352 × 1018 kg
2. The mean molar mass of air: 28.9625 g/mol.
3. Molar mass of CO2: 44.0095 g/mol.
4. Mauna Loa CO2 monthly mean data: 385.60ppmv

[On various websites reporting the carbon dioxide emissions, the total amount produced by human activities since 1750 varies from about 1.3 – 1.8 trillion tons. On one website the amount is published once as 1.36 trillion tons and again as 1.71 trillion tons of CO2 on separate pages.]

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21 Responses to “World CO2 Emissions”

  1. […] World CO2 Emissions […]

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  3. News and Updates said

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  6. […] World CO2 Emissions […]

  7. […] World CO2 Emissions […]

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  9. […] World CO2 Emissions […]

  10. edro said

    Rob, Please see my colleague’s reply to a similar comment (Comment #4) above.

    Additionally, see below for excerpts from NOAA’s Earth System Research Lab [NOAA: National Oceanic and atmospheric Administration, and the National Climatic Data Center, here in the U-S]

    Is the climate warming? Global surface temperatures have increased about 0.74°C (plus or minus 0.18°C) since the late-19th century, and the linear trend for the past 50 years of 0.13°C (plus or minus 0.03°C) per decade is nearly twice that for the past 100 years. The warming has not been globally uniform. Some areas (including parts of the southeastern U.S. and parts of the North Atlantic) have, in fact, cooled slightly over the last century. The recent warmth has been greatest over North America and Eurasia between 40 and 70°N. Lastly, seven of the eight warmest years on record have occurred since 2001 and the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 1995.

    I’ve heard more CO2 in the air could be beneficial for plants and crops. The impacts of climate change on crops and natural ecosystems depend on complex interactions among increased CO2, rising temperatures, water and nutrient availability, wildfires, plant diseases and pest outbreaks. Elevated levels of CO2 can essentially fertilize plants and crops. However, plant growth is also affected by other factors in addition to CO2 ? factors that will be influenced by climate change. Modest temperature increases, for example, can enhance growth, but if temperatures increase too much, growth actually declines. Rising temperatures also increase the process by which plants release CO2. Higher temperatures can increase the rate of evaporation, drying out soils. Insufficient water decreases plant growth. Plants also cannot respond to more CO2 unless sufficient nutrients are available. Furthermore, the growth-enhancing effects of CO2 may diminish over time. Real-world crop yields would also be subject to the hazards of droughts and floods under a changing climate.

    You wrote: “There are always more deaths from cold than from heat, if you are too hot you can sit in the shade, if you are to[o] cold you die.”

    Where did you get this idea from? Is that something you read, or hearsay? What are your sources? The 2003 heatwave killed more than 35,000 people across Europe, including 2,000 people in your homeland. Source:

  11. Rob said

    Many crops grown under glass (especially in Holland and the US) are in an enhanced CO2 atmosphere of 1200 PPM or more, these plants/crops grow twice as fast and double the size of crops grown outside with CO2 at a normal level 385 ppm.
    There you have it more CO2 = more food. There are always more deaths from cold than from heat, if you are too hot you can sit in the shade, if you are to cold you die.
    Until very recently almost all temperature readings were taken from land based weather stations that had substantial urban heat island biases, put a thermometer against your house wall on a warm summers night then put it on your lawn thats the UHI effect, because of that effect you can halve the observed ground based temps which means that they have actually risen by only 0.4 degrees C since the early 1900`s, not much really. Bearing in mind that oceans cover 75% of the planet it is hard to believe that land temps can be stated to be global temps. CO2 has been rising, temps have been falling over the past ten years, there is no correlation. Google watsupwiththat and climate audit for the truth.

  12. There is no time left to study, analyze or discuss the growing CO2 problem. Everyone needs to do what they can to reduce CO2 emissions. This is a very serious problem and I am not certain We will be able to fix it. Pay attention to the weather!

  13. […] World CO2 Emissions […]

  14. […] anthropogenic (caused by human activity) CO2 emissions in 2007 was previously calculated by FEWW at 32,503 MMT. The global average per capita anthropogenic CO2 emissions for 2007 is calculated […]

  15. […] World CO2 Emissions […]

  16. feww said

    Methane is about 21 times more potent as a GHG than CO2; however, as you have correctly noted it has a relatively short atmospheric lifetime. It lasts about 12 years and is broken down rather easily.

    Methane’s contribution to global warming is not as significant as carbon dioxide; nevertheless, it is the second most important GHG, contributing to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect.

    Current atmospheric concentrations of methane are about 155% above preindustrial levels of approximately 700ppbv.

    Carbon dioxide has a much longer lifetime. About 80 or so percent of CO2 remain in the atmosphere for hundreds of years, with another 10 percent persisting for up to a million years!

    Current atmospheric concentrations of CO2: 387.8ppmv

  17. awsm789 said

    what about methane? it may not last as long as co2, but isn’t it more potent??

  18. msrb said

    Frank – Comments like yours are usually edited [disallowed] because of disinformation. But your thoughts were so … we decided to publish it. Please, use Internet to educate yourself; don’t abuse the time you could spend learning or helping others to learn.

    Here are a few topics you could start with:
    1. Why must you never let a child put a plastic bag over her head?
    2. Ocean acidification cased by excessive CO2 pollution.
    3. Soil erosion.
    4. Droughts, exacerbated by warmer temperatures, early snow/ice melt, or no snow.
    5. Worsening tropical downpours caused by climate change. What happens when you get 52 weeks supply of precipitation in under two?
    6. What’s an ice sheet, ice shelf, glacier? What’s the total volume of world’s ice that rests on land mass?

    You may search this site for links to most of the above topics.

  19. helpingpeople said

    The global warming is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated upon the world. Just another means for global taxation. A little history of the production of fruit and where would give you the answer. Years ago the orange farmers were able to harvest oranges in South Carolina. Today they can’t even grow oranges in northern Florida.

    Florida had a fantastic banana crop and now it’s all gone. Amazingly enough if we had global warming we would be able to grow oranges in New Jersey by now.

    CO2 is carbon dioxide which plants need to grow. Grade school teaches that the plants take in carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen into the air. If we eliminate carbon dioxide the plants will die then all living things will die also.

    About the ice caps melting and causing the coastal towns and cities to be under water is drummed up by pseudoscientist. Again, high school basic science teaches that ice displaces water. A simple common experiment teaches that when the ice melts the water level drops not rises. When has anyone ever had a glass of ice water and when the ice melted that it EVER over flowed the glass ? NEVER. That would then mean that you can get more out of what you put in.
    Another hoax by the science world.

    If you are talking about CO which is carbon monoxide from the exhaust from autos that’s a different story. That causes air contamination and is dangerous to all living organism. Again, it doesn’t cause global warming. If we did have global warming it would be a benefit to humanity as it would excel the growing season thus, providing more food for the planet. Now, would that be a terible thing to have ? It would reduce the amount of oil needed for heating homes.

    Yup, believe what you want but, there are your facts not stupid conclusions by pseudoscientist prompted by greedy political interest in stealing more money out of the pockets of the people for their world wide tax program for their global agenda.

    Thank you

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