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Airbus Pakistan Crash Update

Posted by feww on July 29, 2010


Pakistani officials have confirmed that all 152 people onboard the Airblue Airbus A321 plane were killed after the airliner crashed near Pakistan capital Islamabad killing dozens

Earlier reports of up to 40 people having survied the crash were fictitious and poor reporting by major news agencies.

Based on Airbus crash fatalities of 99.5 percent, NO survivors should have been expected.

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3 Responses to “Airbus Pakistan Crash Update”

  1. feww said

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  2. VT Padmanabhan said

    Dear Sir,

    I want to send a particular post to a friend. Is it possible that he gets this page as it is, in his mail. I posted one mail to another email of mine, but I did not get it there properly.

    Why cant you have a button ” forward this dispatch to” on this page?


    VT Padmanabhan

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