Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Nature Upgrading Her Forces into Quasi-exotic Weapons?

Posted by feww on October 29, 2012


[October 29, 2012] Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.

  • SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,230 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History


Global Disasters/ Significant Events

SANDY’s storm surge could be “life-threatening”: NHC

National Hurricane Center (NHC) has described the storm surge threat from Hurricane SANDY as “life-threatening,” ranking the surge and wave “destruction potential” for the hurricane alone, not including the combined force of the hybrid storm, which it could eventually become,  at 5.8 on a scale of 0 to 6.

  • SANDY could be the largest storm ever to hit the United States, said NHC.
  • The massive storm could affect tens of millions of people hundreds of miles along the Atlantic Coast.
  • Some coastal parts of New York and New Jersey could experience surge and waves of up to 11 feet, judging by Hurricane SANDY’s size, said NHC.
  • New York Mayor has ordered the evacuation of more than 375,000 people in low-lying areas.
  • Some 50,000 people in Delaware and 30,000 in Atlantic City, N.J. have also been evacuated.
  • At least 5,000 flights have been cancelled.
  • Flooding caused by the storm surge is expected to be particularly severe because the storm’s arrival coincides with a full moon, which causes higher tides.
  • Up to 284,000 residential properties valued at $88 billion could sustain damage from storm-surge flooding, according to risk analysts CoreLogic, Reuters reported.
  • The massive storm has already claimed at least 66 lives in the Caribbean.
  • The Disaster President has declared States of Emergency for New York and Massachusetts.
  • States of emergency have also been declared by the governors in Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Hurricane SANDY – IR Sat Image (NHC Enhancement).  SANDY was centered about 420 miles south of New York City, at 00:01UTC on Monday moving NE, parallel to the Atlantic coast, at about 15 mph.  Image source: CIMSS.

Global Disasters/ Significant Events


  • “The UN has reported that over 22,000 people were displaced in a week of renewed sectarian fighting between Buddhists and Muslims living on Myanmar’s west coast. The total number of displaced since violence erupted in June is now around 100,000 [with at least 200 dead or injured, and more than 3,000 homes destroyed,]” said a report.


  • “More than 80,000 people in south China’s Hainan Province have been relocated following the arrival of Typhoon Son-Tinh, which has brought gales and downpours to the region since Saturday,” said a report.

SW Pacific

  • Good bye SOWPI.

Related Links

Global Disasters: Links, Forecasts and Background


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