Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for February 25th, 2014

FIRE-EARTH Bulletin NO. 69

Posted by feww on February 25, 2014


FIRE-EARTH Bulletin NO. 69 has been released.

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No. of Days left: 743

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Apocalyptic Smog Covers 10 Percent of China

Posted by feww on February 25, 2014

FIRE-EARTH Models show smog affecting at least 500millon people in China, or 37% of the population.


NO “Red Alert” for Beijing despite 6th consecutive days of hazardous smog

Satellite remote monitoring showed 980,000km², or 10 percent of the country,  blanketed by smog Sunday including Beijing and the provinces of Liaoning, Hebei, and Shanxi.

Beijing entered its six consecutive day of hazardous smog (AQI above 300), described by as “Apocalyptic smog” by the residents, on Tuesday. However, the authorities have failed to issue a “Red Alert” for the capital, breaking their own rules.

“A red alert indicates the most serious air pollution (AQI above 300) for three consecutive days. An orange alert indicates heavy to serious air pollution (AQI between 200 and 300) alternately for three consecutive days. A yellow alert indicates severe pollution for one day or heavy pollution for three consecutive days,” said a report.

Beijing was placed on “Yellow Alert” on Thursday, but the alert was upgraded to “Orange” for the first time on Friday, where it has stayed since.

The poisonous smog is forecast to linger until at least Thursday, according to the China Meteorological Administration.

Smog shrouds the Imperial Palace in Beijing, China, Feb. 24, 2014. Many parts of China have been enveloped by poisonous smog since last week. The potentially deadly pollution will linger in Beijing until at least Thursday,  forecasters said.  (Photo: Xinhua/Li Wen)

Beijing AQI

PM2.5 AQI for Beijing was 413 , indicating a PM2.5 concentration of between 350.5 and 500.4  micrograms per cubic meter (µgm–³), as of posting. (PM10 AQI: 240+; Temp: 2°C ; Range: 0°C to 12°C; Pressure: 1028hpa).

Pollution levels below 15.4µgm–³ (AQI of up to 50) are considered as “safe.”

A formula for calculating the AQI from the concentrations of various air pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, O3, CO, SO2, NO2 …)  is posted HERE.

Related Links

For earlier posts on Beijing AQI, search blog content.

Posted in 2014 Disaster Forecast, environment, Global Disaster watch, global disasters, Global Disasters 2014, Significant Event Imagery, significant events | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »