Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for May 30th, 2015

Oddest in Odessa

Posted by feww on May 30, 2015

Former Georgian President  Saakashvili appointed as governor of Odessa region, Ukraine

Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has been appointed as the governor of Odessa region [Poroshenko’s home province,] according to Ukraine News Agency.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko expressed hope that Saakashvili can successfully fight corruption in his new post.

“This is the person who is able to materialize ideas and who changed his country [Georgia] in the transparency, efficiency, anticorruption areas, attracting new investors, establishing fair court, protecting rights of citizens and democracy and whom I want to see in Ukraine—this is Mikheil Saakashvili,” he said, introducing Saakashvili as the new head of Odessa Regional Administration to the regional officials.

[When asked if he was aware of an outstanding arrest warrant against Saakashvili, Poroshenko did not reply.]

A Tblisi Court issued arrest warrants for former president Saakashvili and 4 of his aides, including former defense minister David Kezerashvili and former prosecutor general Zurab Adeishvili, in August 2014 on charges of abuse of power, using excessive force against protesters in Tbilisi in November 2007 and a raid on the independent TV station Imedi that had criticized the government.

He also faces corruption charges. The court froze both Saakashvili’s and his family’s assets in Georgia, including bank accounts and properties.

Saakashvili, now a fugitive, fled his native Georgia just before his presidency was about to end in November 2013.

“US Congressmen John McCain and Michael Turner requested Interpol not to issue an international arrest warrant against Saakashvili,” said a report.

However, international arrest warrants were issued for Adeishvili and Kezerashvili. Former Tbilisi Mayor, Gigi Ugulava, “was arrested and remanded in custody in early July on suspicion of money-laundering and using budget funds to finance the ENM parliamentary election campaign in 2012,” said  a report.

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Major Disaster Declared for State of Texas

Posted by feww on May 30, 2015

Texas Declared Federal Disaster Area

Texas Severe Storms, Tornadoes, Straight-line Winds, and Flooding (DR-4223)

The Disaster President has declared a major disaster exists in the State of Texas in the areas affected by severe storms, tornadoes, straight-line winds and flooding during the period beginning on May 4, 2015 and continuing.

Areas worst affected by the deadly weather events, severe storms, tornadoes, straight-line winds and flooding, include Cooke, Gaines, Grimes, Harris, Hays, Navarro, and Van Zandt counties.

The damage surveys are continuing in other areas, and additional counties may be designated for assistance after the assessments are fully complete, said the Federal Coordinating Officer for federal recovery operations.

This is the 19th Major Disaster Declaration proclaimed for the contiguous U.S., so far this year.

Extreme Weather Events

The extreme weather events have caused historic flooding and spawned tornadoes killing at least 24 people in the Lone Star State and destroying or damaging thousands of homes and vehicles, since May 5.

Governor Abbott expanded his Disaster Proclamation of May 11, 2015, declaring States of Disaster in 70 Texas counties on Friday.

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M8.5 Quake Strikes Ogasawara Islands, Japan

Posted by feww on May 30, 2015


Powerful earthquake rocks Bonin Islands, Japan

Centered at 27.9N, 140.8E the quake struck at a depth of 590km, according to Japan’s weather agency.

The quake registered up to ‘Upper 5′ on Japan’s seismicity scale of 1 to 7 in the Tokyo area. The epicenter of the quake was about 875km south of Tokyo, Japan.

Tsunami Evaluation: NO Pacific-wide destructive tsunami generated by this quake.

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M7.8 Quake Strikes Offshore Japan

Posted by feww on May 30, 2015

M7.8 quake strikes 189km WNW of Chichi-shima, Japan

27.831°N 140.493°E depth=677.6 km (421.0 mi)

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