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Archive for November 14th, 2015

Paris Attacks an ‘Act of War’ by ISIL: French President

Posted by feww on November 14, 2015

Carnage in Paris

– Update –

The worst carnage in Paris since WWII has left nearly 130 people dead and more than 200 wounded including dozens in critical condition. The death toll is expected to rise, authorities said.

France’s President Francois Hollande has declared a national state of emergency and closed its borders.

He said the attacks, carried out by [at least] eight gunmen and suicide bombers, were “organized and planned from outside,” and vowed to “be pitiless” to the terrorists.

Pope has also  condemned Paris attacks as “inhuman,” calling them the latest part in “piecemeal World War III.”

Meanwhile, a Syrian passport has allegedly been found next to one of the dead suicide bombers at the Stad de France football stadium in Saint-Denis, French media reported. [“It’s déjà vu all over again!”]

It’s unclear whether the suicide apparatus the terrorists used were self-operated, or remote-controlled.

As expected, the corporate media, and their security experts, have already “bundled” the attacks in Paris with the downing of the Russian airliner over Sinai Desert, blaming the ISIL terrorists [locally known as “daesh”] for both incidents.

ISIL has reportedly released a statement saying “eight brothers wearing explosive belts and carrying assault rifles” had carried out the multiple attacks on “carefully chosen” targets in a response to France’s involvement in the airstrikes against its bases in Syria and Iraq.

[The Saturday attacks in Paris would have required many months of planning, experts say, while the French military carried out its first airstrikes against ISIL in Syria on September 27, 2015. Further, ISIL terrorists are usually known for their brutality, not necessarily their stupidity. By claiming responsibility for the Paris massacres, they have surely signed their own death warrants. Editor]

MSM have reported ISIL also claiming responsibility for the twin bombings in the suburbs of Beirut earlier this week that killed at least 43 people and left more than 200 others wounded.

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State of Emergency Declared in France after Paris Massacres

Posted by feww on November 14, 2015

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Classic Terrorism or False Flag?

Civilians again pay the ultimate price!

The French President has declared a national state of emergency in France and closed the country’s borders after gunmen massacred more than 150 people and left many more injured in 7 coordinated attacks.

French President Hollande has called the bloodbath “unprecedented terrorist attacks,” urging everyone to remain strong and show “compassion and unity.”

Gunmen, some wearing suicide belt/vests, attacked a concert hall, soccer stadium and restaurants, as well as pedestrians, at multiple locations across Paris on Friday.

At least 120 of the victims, or 10 percent of the audience, were reportedly killed at the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris.

Will the attacks “solve” the refugee issue in Calais?

A massive 1-hectare fire has incinerated the refugee camp, dubbed “Jungle,” near the French port of Calais just hours after the Paris massacres.

The number of casualties, if any, was not known at the time of publication.

Anyone looking for clues may want to watch the French action film “District B 13 [French title Banlieue 13, or B13.]”

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M7.0 quake rattles Sendai NPP

Posted by feww on November 14, 2015

Strong Earthquake Strikes WSW of Makurazaki, Japan

EQ Details [USGS/EHP]

  • M6.7, about 144km WSW of Makurazaki, Japan  (30.998°N, 128.836°E) 2015-11-13 20:51:31 UTC depth=10.0 km

EQ details according to Japan weather agency

  • M7.0, located in Satsuma-hanto Seiho-oki ( 30.9°N, 128.7°E)  depth=10.0 km at 05:51 JST 14 Nov 2015

Tsunami Report

Tsunami warnings issued for Kagoshima and Satsunan islands was later lifted. Authorities reported  a 30-cm tsunami on Nakanoshima island, south of Kagoshima prefecture.

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