Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for November 29th, 2015

Earthquake Rattles Central Turkey

Posted by feww on November 29, 2015

M5.0 quake strikes near Hekimhan, Turkey

Centered at 38.8ºN, 37.84ºE, the quake occurred at a depth of about 22km, and was followed by dozens of small aftershocks, reported EMSC.

EQ Details

Magnitude: 5.0Mb (body wave magnitude) [4.9Mw: USGS/EHP]
Date & time: 2015-11-29 00:28:08.0 UTC
Location: 38.8ºN, 37.84ºE
Depth: 22km

  • 202 km N of Gaziantep, Turkey / pop: 1,065,975 /
  • 68 km NW of Malatya, Turkey / pop: 441,805 /
  • 8 km W of Hekimhan, Turkey / pop: 13,946 /

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EcoTerrorists to Resume Whaling Soon Despite ICJ Ruling

Posted by feww on November 29, 2015

Sent by a reader

Japan says it will resume whaling in the Antarctic

Japanese Fisheries Agency has notified the International Whaling Commission (IWC) that it will resume whaling in the 2015-2016 season, despite an International Court of Justice ruling last year that they cease whale hunt in the Antarctic.

Their plan reportedly calls for hunting 333 minke whales, which they say is “scientifically reasonable.” [Previously, their self-declared quota was over 1,000 minke whales per season.]

A lactating mother and her calf? Why, they taste better together? Japan has said the pictures were misleading and did not show a lactating mother and her calf. July 11, 2008. (Australian Customs Service)

Japan managed to kill 251 minke whales in the Antarctic in the 2013-14 season and 103 the previous year,  far fewer than their annual target of 1,000, mainly because of direct action by the Sea Shepherd.

To the best of our knowledge, the whalers have not provided a detailed account of why a single whale must be butchered in the name of science, let alone so many hundreds.

Iceland and Norway recently began exporting whale meat for sale in Japan. Photo: via BBC. May 11, 2009. Image may be subject to copyright.

In fact, the meat from the butchered mammals finds its way on supermarket shelves at a very early stage of the “research,” often  within hours of being harpooned.

What Officials in Australia said:

Australian Environment Minister Greg Hunt: “We do not accept in any way, shape or form the concept of killing whales for so-called ‘scientific research,'” adding  that  Australia strongly opposes Japan’s decision.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: “Our position is standard, that we […] strongly encourage Japan to cease its whaling operations in any time, in any season, in any year.”

Green Party conservation spokesperson Eugenie Sage:  “We are glad the Government has spoken out against Japan’s resumption of this cruel and inhumane practice, but New Zealand must do more.”

“Japan is determined to flout the court’s ruling, even though it’s been proven that their so-called ‘scientific research’ can be done without actually killing whales.

“Japan is determined to flout the court’s ruling, even though it’s been proven that their so-called ‘scientific research’ can be done without actually killing whales.

“Giving Japan a verbal telling-off isn’t going to save these beautiful animals from needless slaughter. Countries that are opposed to whaling are going to have to show some backbone, and follow up their condemnation with action,” asking the Australian government to send navy ships to the Antarctic to monitor the whaling fleet.

Fishermen slaughter a 10m-long bottlenose whale at the Wada port in Minami-Boso city, Chiba prefecture, east of Tokyo, June 25, 2008. Photo: AFP. Image may be subject to copyright.

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