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Archive for November 27th, 2015

Indict NATO – Stop Global Terrorism!

Posted by feww on November 27, 2015

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Global terrorism sponsored by NATO members could spark WWIII

The Wahhabi/Salafi jihadist group known as Daesh, the local acronym for Islamic State (IS, aka, ISIL), is composed of extremist Sunni Arabs from Iraq and Syria. It currently controls an occupied territory with about 10 million people in Iraq and Syria and, through loyal offshoots, has control over small areas of Afghanistan, Libya and Nigeria, with other affiliates operating in North Africa and South Asia.

The terrorist group has claimed responsibility for a string of recent (2015) bombings across the globe that include

  • Paris: Charlie Hebdo (12 killed) – Jan. 2015
  • Libya: Corinthia Hotel shooting (five killed)
  • Tunisia: Museum shooting (22 killed more than 50 wounded)
  • Yemen: Mosque bombing (142 killed, at least 351 wounded)
  • Tunisia: Beach resort shooting (38 killed)
  • Kuwait: Explosion in mosque (27 killed)
  • Turkey: Kurdish peace rally bombing in Ankara (102 killed, more than 400 wounded)
  • Sinai, Egypt: Russian plane (224 killed)
  • Beirut: Bourj el-Barajneh Bombing (43 killed, many injured )
  • Paris: Shooting and suicide attacks (at least 130 killed, hundreds more injured)
  • Tunisia: Bus carrying the Presidential guards exploded (12 killed) Nov. 2015

Thousands of others including Iraqis, Syrians and Kurds, be it Christians, Yazidis, Shi’a Muslims and others, have also been killed by ISIL and their affiliates this year.

Sponsoring the Daesh Terrorists

Daesh is smuggling oil on a “commercial scale” into Turkey. Turkish middlemen including government officials are profiting from the lucrative, but illegal trade, analysts say.

Photos of Turkish President’s son Necmettin Bilal Erdogan, having dinner with an alleged Daesh leader in an Istanbul restaurant, were recently posted on Turkish social media.

“IS has big money, hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, from selling oil. In addition they are protected by the military of an entire nation. One can understand why they are acting so boldly and blatantly. Why they kill people in such atrocious ways. Why they commit terrorist acts across the world, including in the heart of Europe,” said Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this week.

Daesh and their supporters have formed a “living oil pipe” stretched from their and rebel-controlled areas of Syria into Turkey, said the Russian President in a joint press conference with his French counterpart in Moscow. “Day and night they are going to Turkey. Trucks always go there loaded, and back from there – empty.”

ISIS Funded by 40 Countries, Including G20 Members —Putin

Unfortunately, the air campaign against the terrorists, led by the NATO kingpin, has [so far] spared the Islamic State terrorists’ most lucrative source of income.

The 40 countries that sponsor Daesh and global terrorism must necessarily include Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE, as well as other Islamic nations under the influence of Wahhabism. An estimated 6 million Wahhabis plague the Persian Gulf region (compared to 28.5 million Sunnis and 89 million Shia residents).

Wahhabi Support for Global Terrorism

Wahhabism (aka, Salafism) is an “orthodox” form of Sunni Islam, which insists on a literal interpretation of the Muslims’ holy book, the Qur’an. The followers are brainwashed to believe that all those who don’t share their views of Islam are enemies of god, thus misinterpreting and distorting Islam, experts say.

Daesh represents Wahhabism in its darkest form. Their violent fundamentalist doctrine rejects all non-Wahhabi Islam. They are especially intolerant of the Shi’a Islam, repeatedly attacking and massacring the Shi’a worshipers in mosques across the Middle East. Their targets have previously included also Christians, Yazidis and followers of all other traditional religions.

Saudi Arabia is the main sponsor of the jihadists. The Saudi royal family is financing a global campaign to recruit, indoctrinate and incite terrorism. Daesh could not have grown without Saudi sponsorship.


Qatar and Saudi involvement
In a 2013 External Policy Document, the European Parliament exposed the roles of Wahhabi and Salafi groups that are involved in the “support and supply of arms to rebel groups around the world.” The report warned about the Wahhabi/Salafi organizations across the world and stressed that “no country in the Muslim world is safe from their operations … as they always aim to terrorize their opponents and arouse the admiration of their supporters.”

  • Some of those terrorist groups have since been infiltrated and used (“double- zombified”) by agents of world powers to achieve other agenda.

Daesh (ISIL) is selling oil at $15–25 per barrel, much cheaper than the Brent benchmark, trading at $45 to $50, said a member of the expert council of the Russian Oil Industry Union.

“By reselling it, Ankara has the opportunity to earn extra income and continue to bomb the Kurds, saying its bombing radicals,” he said.

Is there a precedence for suing state sponsors of terrorism?

To stop global terrorism, those nations that have lost citizens in terror attacks, must indict NATO and sue the organization for damages!

There’s ample evidence to indict Turkey and several other members of NATO, as well as the G20 member countries, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, for state-sponsored terrorism, and sue them for damages.

Libya forced to compensate Lockerbie bombing victims

In October 2008, Libya was forced to pay $1.5 billion into a fund to compensate relatives of Lockerbie bombing victims. The money was part of a $1.8 billion deal reached between the United States and Libya to settle outstanding terror claims held by terror victims from both countries. The remainder, $300 million, was earmarked for the victims of the 1986 Berlin disco bombing, victims of the 1989 UTA Flight 772 bombing, and Libyan victims of the 1986 US bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi.

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