Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Posts Tagged ‘Arab Spring’

Saudi leaders forge violence to achieve domination

Posted by feww on March 27, 2014

3O begins his visit to Saudi Arabia on Friday

“… the reality is that the kingdom is a dangerous and destabilizing actor.”

On the eve of the Oval Office Occupant’s [3O’s] visit to Saudi Arabia, Toby C. Jones, an associate professor of history at Rutgers University and author of the book Desert Kingdom: How Oil and Water Forged Modern Saudi Arabia said:

“Saudi Arabia is a violent place, with an oppressive regime, that has doggedly pursued the path of counter-revolution since 2011. It seeks not stability nor security for residents across the Middle East. Rather, Saudi leaders seek domination and are supporting reactionary violence in places like Egypt, Bahrain and Syria to help them achieve it.” 

obama in SArb
The President of the United States Barack O-bow-ma bows to sheik Abdullah of Saudi Arabia during the G20 summit, April 2009. The Washington Times called the bow a “shocking display of fealty to a foreign potentate”, which ran contrary to American tradition of not deferring to royalty. 

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Cairo’s Deadliest Day: Official Death Toll Hits 525

Posted by feww on August 15, 2013

Massacre in Egypt: More than 3,000 dead, 5,000 wounded

Supporters of President Mohammed Morsi, who was ousted in a military coup six weeks ago, say about 3,000 demonstrators have been killed and at least 5,000 others wounded, according to news reports.

The latest carnage was the third and by far the bloodiest mass killings of pro Morsi demonstrators since the president was ousted.

The army-installed government has declared a 30-day state of emergency, imposing a dusk-to-dawn curfew on the capital and 10 other provinces.

Violent clashes between the security forces and Morsi supporters have also bloodied the cities of Alexandria, Assiut, Fayoum, Minya and Suez, as well as Beni Suef and Buhayra provinces, reports said.

Turkish Prime Minister RT Erdogan described the mass killings as a “very serious massacre,” said a report.

“I am calling on Western countries. You remained silent in Gaza, you remained silent in Syria … You are still silent on Egypt. So how come you talk about democracy, freedom, global values and human rights?” He said at a news conference.

In contrast, the UAE, one of the Gulf Arab states worried by Morsi’s victory in last year’s election, has fully supported the bloodshed, saying the Egyptian government had “exercised maximum self-control,” said a report.

On February 11, 2011, FIRE-EARTH said:

“Informed sources say influential members of Saudi Arabian royal family are inciting large scale violence in Egypt by promising to pay $1,000 for each demonstrator killed by the Egyptian security apparatus.”

In all likelihood, President Morsi would be killed “accidentally” while in detention, FIRE-EARTH blog advisers said.

On December 18, 2011, FIRE-EARTH commented:

  • At least a dozen demonstrators have been killed and about 500 others wounded by the Egyptian army following a third day of clashes in a new round of uprising as the winter of the so called “Arab Spring” deepens.
  • Increasingly, the Egyptians are realizing that what they actually participated in wasn’t a “revolution,” but a coup d’etat, cunningly orchestrated by the military and its paymasters and carried out on the back of a mass uprising.
  • Egypt is Israel’s next-door neighbor. Hell would freeze over before Egyptians are allowed to have a functioning democracy!

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Egypt Military Coup

Posted by feww on July 4, 2013

Military ousts Morsi, suspends Egyptian constitution

Egypt’s first democratically elected president has been ousted by the military leaders, a year after coming to office.

  • The military has put Morsi under house arrest, and arrested the top Muslim Brotherhood leaders.
  • At least 46 people  have been killed and hundreds more injured in clashes between Morsi’s supporters and his opponents since Sunday.
  • The most powerful man in the country now is the head of Egypt’s armed forces, Gen. Abdel Fatah al-Sissi.

“The address of the president yesterday did not meet the demands of the masses of the people,” Sissi said,  adding that the military is drawing a roadmap with various groups  to put an end to “the state of division.”

“The military’s roadmap consists of dissolving the constitution and holding early presidential elections,” he said.

U.S. military contacts with Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi date back more than 30 years, when he took a U.S. infantry basic training course at Fort Benning in Georgia in 1981, said a report quoting U.S. officials.

Meanwhile, President Morsi’s office released a statement concerning his ouster by the military:

“Dr. Mohamed Morsi, President of Egypt, emphasizes that the measures declared by the Chief Command of Armed Forces represent a military coup d’état, which we categorically reject, in whole or part by all the honest honorable men who struggled for the transformation to democracy. The president stresses, in his capacity as the president of the republic and chief commander of armed forces, that all the citizens, civilians and militarians, leaders and soldiers, are required to adhere to the Constitution and law; not to respond to this coup which will throw Egypt back to the dark ages; and to maintain peaceful behaviors and avoid bloodshed.”

On December 18, 2011, FIRE-EARTH commented:

  • At least a dozen demonstrators have been killed and about 500 others wounded by the Egyptian army following a third day of clashes in a new round of uprising as the winter of the so called “Arab Spring” deepens.
  • Increasingly, the Egyptians are realizing that what they actually participated in wasn’t a “revolution,” but a coup d’etat, cunningly orchestrated by the military and its paymasters and carried out on the back of a mass uprising.
  • Egypt is Israel’s next-door neighbor. Hell would freeze over before Egyptians are allowed to have a functioning democracy!

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Thousands Evacuated Amid Taiwan ERE, Flooding, Landslides

Posted by feww on June 15, 2012

Dozens dead, injured or missing, up to 10,000 evacuated from Taiwan disaster zones

Flooding has triggered numerous landslides in Nantou County and Taichung in central Taiwan, as well as in New Taipei and Taoyuan County, and elswhere, leaving at least 2 dozen people dead, injured or missing, and forcing about 10,000 others to evacuate their homes, Taiwan’s  Central Emergency Operations Center reported.

  • Extreme rain events (ERE) combined with the southwest monsoon have also destroyed or damaged thousands of hectares of crops around the island country.
  • Flooding have also caused power cuts and water shortages to more than 100,000 homes, reports said. 
  • Areas near more than 830 rivers and streams around the country have been put on  red or yellow alert for further flooding and mudslides.
  • Meantime, several of Taiwan’s leading manufacturer have  suspended operations after a magnitude 5.2 quake followed by two smaller aftershocks rattled the mountainous Chienshih township north of the island, reports said.

Other Global Disasters, Significant Events

  • Egypt. The so-called ‘Supreme Constitutional Court’ in Egypt has dissolved the parliament ahead of presidential runoff, reports said.
    • The highest court has also ruled the army candidate can remain in election race.
    • The decision by the supreme constitutional court, whose judges were appointed by Mubarak, is being seen as a ‘Judicial coup.’
    • Earlier, Mohamed ElBaradei said; ” Electing president in the absence of constitution and parliament is electing an “emperor” with more powers than deposed dictator. A travesty…”
    • On December 18, 2011, FEWW commented:
      • At least a dozen demonstrators have been killed and about 500 others wounded by the Egyptian army following a third day of clashes in a new round of uprising as the winter of the so called “Arab Spring” deepens.
      • Increasingly, the Egyptians are realizing that what they actually participated in wasn’t a “revolution,” but a coup d’etat, cunningly orchestrated by the military and its paymasters and carried out on the back of a mass uprising.
      • Egypt is Israel’s next-door neighbor. Hell would freeze over before Egyptians are allowed to have a functioning democracy!
  • See also:

Global Disasters: Links, Forecasts and Background

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Typhoon WASHI: 1,650 dead or missing

Posted by feww on December 18, 2011

Death toll from typhoon WASHI tops 650, about 1,000 missing

At least 650 bodies have been recovered following the floods caused by typhoon WASHI, mostly women and children, and up to 1,000  others are reported as missing.

Disaster Calendar 2011 – December 18

[December 18, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,550 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

  • Mindanao, Philippines. Typhoon WASHI [locally known as ‘Sendong’] dumped more than a month of average rains on Mindanao island in southern Philippines according to local weather office.
    • A total of more than 1,650 people have lost their lives or reported as missing after flooding and landslides triggered by the typhoon [locally known as ‘Sendong’] buffeted southern Philippines.
    • Some 652 people were killed in eight provinces in the southern Mindanao region, said the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC).
    • “This thing happened so fast. It’s overwhelming. We didn’t expect these many dead,” a senior official said.
    • “We need body bags and lime to deal with too many cadavers,” said General Roland Amarille, head of an army task force in Iligan.
    • “Local mortuaries are no longer accepting cadavers and they are even asking people to bury the dead at once because there are too many bodies even in hallways.”
    • “About 70 percent of the houses on the island were washed into the sea,” Amarille said.
    • The authorities have declared states of calamity in Iligan City,  Dumaguete City and the municipality of Valencia, both located in Negros Oriental province.
    • At 4:00am local time, December 18, 2011, TS WASHI [‘SENDONG’] made another landfall near Puerta Princesa City and is now heading towards the West Philippines Sea, NDRRMC reported.
    • In its latest update, the NDRRMC also reported the storm had so far affected 19,759 families [or 108,130 people] in 140 districts in 17  municipalities and eight cities in 11 provinces.

Other Global Disasters

  • East Java, Indonesia. At least 220 people were missing [possibly as many as 600 are feared dead,] after an overcrowded boat packed with political and economic refugees heading for Australia sank off the coast of east Java in Indonesia, officials said.
    • Between 30 and 75 people have been rescued, according to different reports.
  • Cairo, Egypt.  At least a dozen demonstrators have been killed and about 500 others wounded by the Egyptian army following a third day of clashes in a new round of uprising as the winter of the so called “Arab Spring” deepens.
    • Increasingly, the Egyptians are realizing that what they actually participated in wasn’t a “revolution,” but a coup d’etat, cunningly orchestrated by the military and its paymasters and carried out on the back of a mass uprising.
    • Egypt is Israel’s next-door neighbor. Hell would freeze over before Egyptians are allowed to have a functioning democracy!
  • Russia. Some 53 people are dead or missing after an oil rig overturned in the Sea of Okhotsk in the Russian Far East, the emergency service officials said.

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Deadly Winter Follows ‘Arab Spring’

Posted by feww on November 20, 2011

Arab Spring: “We’ll see!”

Deadly clashes between Egyptian protesters and riot police backed by the army leaves at least a dozen protestors dead, up to a thousand injured, and hundreds more arrested.

OOPS!!! Wrong Photo! Psycho police officer brutally pepper sprays seated UC Davis students at close range. The students were peacefully participating in Occupy Movement, showing solidarity with protesters at the University of California in Berkeley, who were beaten with batons by police on November 9. Eleven protesters received medical treatment for exposure to pepper spray; two were hospitalized. The police acted on orders from Linda Katehi, the chancellor of the University of California, Davis. See video.

Disaster Calendar 2011 – November 20

[November 20, 2011]  Mass die-offs resulting from human impact and the planetary response to the anthropogenic assault could occur by early 2016.  SYMBOLIC COUNTDOWN: 1,578 Days Left to the ‘Worst Day’ in Human History

‘Suckers’ Democracy’: Military Takeover Disguised as Arab Spring

  • Cairo, Egypt. Deadly clashes between Egyptian protesters and riot police backed by the army have left at least a dozen protestors dead, up to a thousand wounded and hundreds more arrested.
    • A reporter was told by a doctor at a Cairo hospital that “protesters have injuries from rubber bullets… many have been hit in the eyes.”
    • Demonstrators are demanding the resignation of Egypt’s military government.
    • Violent clashes have also erupted in Alexandria Suez and Ismailia.
    • Nine months after the fall of Mubarak, Egyptians are angry that the army remains in charge and police violence against demonstrators has not abated.
    • The military government seems unwilling to give up power and is seeking exemption from civilian oversight.

The following is a quote from Charlie Wilson’s War:

Gust Avrakotos: There’s a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse… and everybody in the village says, “how wonderful. The boy got a horse” And the Zen master says, “we’ll see.” Two years later, the boy falls off the horse, breaks his leg, and everyone in the village says, “How terrible.” And the Zen master says, “We’ll see.” Then, a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight… except the boy can’t cause his legs all messed up. and everybody in the village says, “How wonderful.”
Charlie Wilson: Now the Zen master says, “We’ll see.”

Other Global Disasters

  • North Carolina, USA. NC Gov. Perdue has declared  Davidson and Randolph counties as disaster areas because of the damage caused buy tornadoes.
    • At least two people were killed and dozens of homes damaged in North Carolina when tornadoes swept southeastern United States.
  • Massachusetts, USA. The town of Monson (population 9,000) located in Hampden County, Massachusetts, has been declared a disaster area for a third time in the last 5 months after it was hit by tornadoes again.
    • the town was struck by an EF-3 tornado on June 1, 2011, which caused extensive damage.  In October 29, 2011, a rare pre-Halloween snowstorm buried the town.

Related Links

  • WARNING: Many parts of the United States could become ‘unrecognizable’ due to extreme climatic, geophysical and geological episodes over the next 18 months: FIRE-EARTH Forecast

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